Friday, May 30, 2008

The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok 25

i cant rmb how this series ends...
i oni got 1st 2 manga...
n decided to watch...
n it's so touching...
the 2nd last episode...
i tink i miss it when it's showing on tv last time...
cause i dun tink i will forget such a touching episode!!!
it's veri sad!!!

the girl assassin who had been trying to kill loki was... Hel... loki's daughter...
n she tok her father dun love her so she wanted her father to feel the same pain...
she was alone n lonely...
odin told her her father hate her...
so sad!!!
she realli tok her father din care abt her...
so she tried to kill her father following odin's order!!!

n loki had no idea she realli felt that way...
he din noe his daughter was sad n lonely... after he had been brandished frm the world of gods to the human world..
it was so sad...
in the end... Hel juz died in loki's arms... w a smile...
knowing that her father did love her...
it was realli sad... but at least juz b4 she died she realized that she was loved...

b4 that, she could not even understand why Mayura's father tried to save Mayura...
even when mayura told her
no parents would hate their child...
she could not believe that...
she died happily... content... in her fav dream...

she told loki that she loved reading
because by reading she could escape to another world...
her world is cold... her heart is frozen...

she hate flowers...
the flowers are beautiful...
but no matter how pretty they are... they dun talk to her...
she hate them...

by reading mayb she could fool herself...

it was realli sad...
how could a daughter live, believing that her own father hate her?
she was so sad...
n i hate the end... she died juz when she realize her father love her... not hate her...
her father juz dun understand her...

n loki was realli angry at odin 4 playing w Hel's feelings...

but in the end... he did not go back to the world of gods...
neither did ani of the others...
n i tink there's a sequel...?

realli want to buy the manga...
loki's realli kawaii!

search the net 4 some pics....
all the pics are taken frm

n they are not MINE... so dun sue mi!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

wad would u do?

i was reading a fan fic last nite...
n the character was told he would be blind in 2 days...
it was highly possible that it would be a permanent damage...
it was scary... that ur world was gg into darkness forever veri soon...
the fear, desperation.. n tredipation...

wad would u do then?
start preparations?
he went to see all the ppl he wanted to rmb...
he went to see all the sights he wanted to rmb...
he saw all the things he like and rmb them...
when he finally woke up in darkness...
there's nothing he could do...
nothing he had left...
he was a pilot...
now his sight gone...
all his dreams shattered...
all his smiles disappeared...
n his life changed...

wad would u do?
if u are gg blind in 2 days?

i was reading "master san's sword"... san shao ye de jian in chinese
and he had three days left to live...

wad would u do?
he asked the same qns to everi1...
and ppl gave ans of doing thgs that no one expect them to do...
gamble... marry... n kill...
when u had nothing to lose...
that's when ppl become scary...
for his three days he fulfil their wishes...
though he did not die in the end...

wad would u do?
if u would die in 3 days?

i did read an fic abt a char dying in a wk? or less cant rmb...
i forgot the tittle...
but it was a realli touching fic...
cause the char decided not to tell ani1...
n continued his life for the nxt few days as per normal...
hiding his pain and regrets...
n smiling while crying...

n when ppl realized...
it was juz so sad...
n i tink it was a happy ending...
he did not die...

wad would u do?
if u are dying in a week?

Monday, May 26, 2008

jurong lib n imm... n some reflectns

finally went out today w sijia 2day...
really had fun...
talked abt thgs...
n borrowed lots of bks!!!
haha lib double the quota le...

i found an eng runourni kenshin novel!!!
realli cant believe it at 1st...
i had seen lots of chinese manga novel but not eng ones!!!
wow! 1st time i saw one!
all thxs to si jia cause i usually dun realli look at eng bks haha...

i actually 4got to take pics...
bad memory....
we walked ard imm...
heehee i buy 2 interesting pens at daiso...
upload the pics tmr...
we talked abt some thgs as we ate our ramen...
oishii desu ne...
though i dun realli like the meat...

aniway... juz sth we talked abt that juz happened to be on my mind these few days...
how sheltered am i?
i tink i was quite sheltered frm bad thgs ...
i had my share of doubts, hurt and sadness in my life...
but i m lucky...
i always had friends and family to support mi...

i was tinking abt this when i was watching saiyuki reload n xiao fu ren the other day
n today we talked abt some little thgs in our lives...
i could not helped tinking that i had some friends in my life that really impacted mi a lot... whether in a positive or negative way...
politics is always ard mi...
since even in pri sch...
but mayb not now... cause uni more free?

i tink it's the lack of a standard class...
ppl ard u changed almost everyday...
in pri n sec sch... it's more abt friends in the clique...
in jc it is ur class...
n i had to say the way thgs are changed as ppl get older...
they get more manipulative...

i was reading a gw fan fic...
n one of e character tried to use feelings to manipulate his best friend to telling him thgs he wanted to noe...
he tried to use gulit saying that he was not a gd friend by not telling him...
then that failed...
he used insults...
trying to make his best friend feel feel upset cause he wont tell him...
then he used anger... n thgs...
is that wad best friend shd b?
as tools to information? as punchbag?

i dunno...
everi1 has a diff interpretion of friendship...
n sometimes they conflict...
it's so hard to maintain a friendship sometimes...
but if no effort put in... no benefits will be gained...

that's life i guess...
it's juz the way...
dun expect gd thgs to happen wout effort put in...
n well...

i guess i m not one who likes to give b4 gaining?
i dunno...
but sometime... it's veri tiring 4 mi to maintain sth i guess...
like now...
it's the hols...
n supposed to be able to mit up easily...
but i cant seem to be able ot find a time to mit up w my friends...

mayb it's that i cant commit some time?
but i tink it's mostly a clash of our free time...
juz that... most of them likes to mit at nite n FAR AWAY frm my hse...
it's so late by the time i reach home...
n i dun like it one bit...
n for mi most of the time are spent on travelling...
n i dun like coming home late...

n 4 some evenings i got tuition...
hence i cant go out in the afternoons...
n the other days not free for the others...

then 4 wkends...
i got tuition in the mornings or afternoons...
so cant go out...
but i had to say i did enjoy teaching...
juz tink i need to learn to have more patience sometime or be more firm...
i learn that letting children esp younger ones choose is not very gd...
cause they will juz start negotiating instead of listening...

actually i do go out but juz alone on my own...
wandering ard doing some of my own shopping...
actually i din do much shopping more on buying food to eat haha...
juz go to lib find some bks n read b4 gg home...

haiz... i m getting antisocial?
i dunno? haha...
hmm... is blogging consider social?
nya... dun tink so... haha...

impt days coming presents to buy...
realli need to do some real shopping then...
hope to mit up soon, ok?
sorie my entry seemed so randomn...
haha typing wadever comes to mind...

n ps...
is anione else experiencing prob when gg to zhui xing's blog?
cause i cant see the posts...
actually for some time le... since last wk? or the wk b4...
or is it my com?

Friday, May 23, 2008

a trip to causeway pt...

chocolate cream pie!!!

on wed... my little sis had no school
so i brought her to causeway pt...
we ate long john 4 lunch...
she din have chocolate cream pie b4 ...
i cant buy takeaway for it...
melt b4 i reach home...

so let her try...

then we went to find a present for her friend n a wedding gift for her teacher...
aniway she oni get her friend's present...
then went to lib...
b4 i had to rush to tuition...
had a nice time!
been busy these few days...
i had been reading n watching xiaofuren...
n rushing to tuition....
realli nice...
been typing up my fan fic...
but not even half done...
haiz... last chap is last yr i tink...
n i said will update everi mth...
haiz... i m so lazy!!!!!!
i m having some prob w my com...
there are some blogs that i cant read...
or i go in n my com hang?... dunno why...
i cant read some cbox... or tag for that matter...
my com shut down suddenly on me or kept hanging...

Monday, May 19, 2008

journey of the ant...

ok.. i wonder how many of u actually rmb tis story i had writen long long time ago...
in jc 1? aniway... i got tired of typing chinese...
so i translate it into eng...

The journey of an ant

The sun shone harshly on its back. The wind blew ruthlessly at it. Even though all the ant could see was sand, it held on. Soon, it would find its way back to its home. The garden with the soft ground and the cooling breeze.

It carried on. A mountain stood in its way. Without hesitation, it climbed its way up and over it. It took a long time the sun was shinning in another way now. It was tired but it would not give up. Its home was calling out to it.

Another mountain and another mountain. Soon, it knew it would get there. With determination, it continued on. Soon… very soon, it would reach home.

“Mummy!” a boy laughed as he played happily in the sand pit, “look at that ant! It was running in circles! Don’t know where it wants to go. So funny!”

“Matt! Hurry up and get ready to go home! I don’t want you playing with insects!” the boy’s mother called.

“Okay,” the boy giggled as he blew at the ant, “I’m going home! Bye!”

And the boy left the ant to continue on its journey…

dun ask mi wad i was tinking when i was writing abt tis...
juz tinking abt if we shd stop andtake a look ard b4 we charged blindly 4wrd...
take a step further away n look at the big pic...
mayb thgs will be so different?

wad do u all tink? haha

Sunday, May 18, 2008

personality test...

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.

And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

You Make a Good First Impression

You probably are making a much better impression than you realize.

Social situations can be a bit awkward for you at times, and you tend to over think what you say and do.

If you make a social faux pas, you remember it a lot longer than anyone else does.

Just relax and do your best. There are little things you can do to improve your social image.

Express more of an interest in the people around you, and be a good listener.

The secret of fascinating people is that they find everyone else fascinating!


if oni sunlight can shine into my world...

i dunno why...
but things seemed to go wrong?
feeling a bit depressed these days...

tok can go out on sat but in the end cancelled...
it's the first time i got 6 sms the moment i looked at my hp...
but it's ok... i understand...
it's juz a bit disappointing......
had been anticipating for the hols...
but spent the days at home or tuition...
but i m ok with that...

i enjoy teaching though some days were a bit tiring...
today... had tuition again... oni this sun...
juz to help up... but i must say... it took my mind off thgs...

when i came out...
i received sms that made mi a bit down...
it's ok...
aniway... juz a bit disappointed cause i tok can find a job that has a friend to do with... more fun... but nvr mind... it's ok... realli...
aniway... dun tink i got the job either way... haha...
n i tink i nid more time to concentrate on my tuitions...
heehee... tinking up more difficult qns? haha... i m evil :p

by the way... juz asking ard
anione rmb how u study eng for psle?...
n anione got a* for eng? i oni got an a...
mayb can tell mi how to study? haha...
haha... i cant rmb how i study except doing countless test papers...

but then for the other sms...
i m once again... feels ignored...
it's like wad i say dun matter...
n still send mi the sms...
i m ok... juz a bit down frm the fact that i had repeated countless times that i have tuition that day... that's why i cant go out on that day for the past few weeks...
n mayb i dun realli want to go to make the atmosphere awkward...
but i cant help but feeling a bit down abt that...
mayb i m juz crazy...
it's juz ... i noe i cant make it... n it makes mi a bit sad that everione has friends to go out w...
mayb it's the same like u re left out...
it's juz that... i m juz a bit upset that no one realli listen...
cause i did send a few sms that i m busy on that day of the week...
but then again... i cant make it for the rest of the week as well...
n thirdly, i dun realli want to go n spoil thgs for others...

haiz... i m juz so ... crazy?... haha...
yeah hate myself some time...

aniway... i tink i shd juz forget everithg n worked on my stories n tuition...
makes thgs easier...
i tink i shd think less work more...
n stop playing puzzlequest!!!

haiz... i even fell asleep thinking abt the gems...
there's even a puzzle which i try for a few days n i solved it when i was playing n watching tv at the same time... talk abt stepping back n looking again... haha...
i returned the cd-rom le...
cant play animore...
but i tink can play wout cd... hee... i m tempted again...
mayb i shd juz dig out all the rpg games in the hse...
but then all those are fighting one... well at least save some of my brain cells... haha...
aniway... my blog becoming more n more depressing...
ok... will upload some happy thgs nxt haha... ^_^

Saturday, May 17, 2008

open up ur mind

ok... supposed to mit up today but got canvelled...
so i went home and typed this...

i realli realli love this song...
one of saiyuki's ending song..

open up your mind...
and turn it into a songfic...
though the plot is a bit weird...
just trying to think of a story to link to this song lyrics...

aniway enjoy...
and listened to the song!!! realli touching though it's in jap...

The room was dark. Not a single lamp switched on. Shadows were moving as the trees outside the windows swayed. Curtains were floating as wind blew harshly on them.
Raindrops fell on the open windows. It was raining. Again.

Even when it seems that nothing can go right
and you want to just give up,

She opened her eyes as she stood up. She had not slept. Her mind was too crowed with thoughts for her to sleep. She sat by the window quietly. She did not care if the room was too dark or if the rain had fallen in through the windows. She did not care if raindrops had fallen on her, soaking her clothes.

She did not care about anything. She was so tired. Mountains of pressure suffocated her. She did not want to care let them do their jobs of making her fall. The dark room was her world. Her world was dark, gloomy and alone.

if you close your eyes,
you can see the world from your heart.

She closed her eyes in defeat as lightning flashed before her. Memories flooded into her mind as despair gripped her heart. If she closed her eyes, would she forget everything that happened? Would she find another way to look at the things that had happened?

She just wished for someone who cares. She just wished for someone to be able to help her. She just wanted understanding. Her friends. Her family. Just someone to listen to her.

In this world when life can be so tough
You must be strong
Just believe in yourself and don't you fear
So open up your mind and close your eyes
Take another look from the other side

She opened her eyes slowly as she looked out of the window towards the dark. Maybe somewhere, in the dark, she can find someone. She knew she had to be strong. She knew she should not cry. She knew them all. But it was so hard to be strong. So hard to stop the tears that flowed.

She only hoped to have someone who would listen. She only hoped to have her words taken seriously. She wanted someplace to belong. Someplace where she would be accepted for her true self. Not accepted as a person with a smiling mask. Was it so wrong to rant? Was it so wrong to voice her displeasure?

She had to depend on herself. She understood that. but it would be too lonely. It would be too fake. It would not be real.
Even on a lonely night, when you wander afraid,
you may be alone now, but
your feet can take you however far you want to go, so

Yet, she had to depend on herself. Believe in herself. She had to. One day, she might found people who care. People who allowed her to be herself. People who understood and not judged anything she said out of spite. People she could throw a temper and apologized and they understood. People she belonged.

But till then she just had to walk. She had to take steps. Small steps. Big steps. She just had to hold on…

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, there's a shining light there.
Yes, I want you to believe in everything.
You can take another look from the other side

She looked out the window. It was strange but she saw a star. Even when it was raining, she saw the star clearly. It was shining brightly.

In the midst of all the darkness, there was one shining light. Maybe she could find one shining light in her world. She heard a saying before. Everyone has at least a strength. A light that would shine in darkness. Did she have one? If she looked inside herself, would she find one?

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, if you have the strength to live,
You can take another look from the other side,
until you find all that is love...

However, the journey was long. It might take a long time before she found that light. It might be a long time before she realized her worth. Till then, could she hold on? What if tomorrow never comes? What if tomorrow is a nightmare? Would she be able to take it? did she have the strength?

It was a long journey with no destination in sight… but if she could just hold on till the destination?

I wish for you to have the strength
to make it through this world,
so open up your mind,
and you'll be able to see...

Her destination. A place where her dreams come true. A world freed from worries. A castle she built dozens of times in the air. Things that only happened in sweet dreams and daydreams.

However, she had to have strength to carry on…

Just remember you are not alone
So don't you fear
Even though you're miles away
I'm by your side
So open up your mind and close your eyes
I'll be there for you no matter where you are

Noticing her handphone had been vibrating, she decided to read the messages. After all, she had been avoiding everybody today. She was so tired and upset that she decided to lock herself in the room, thinking that she would be better off in there. Alone and wallowing in her sorrows. She knew it was not healthy to do that. But she had no choice.

To her surprise, she found quite a number of messages and missed calls. From her friends and family. Messages and missed calls to make sure she was okay, to cheer her up. Maybe she was not really alone. Maybe she just needed to open up her mind and looked around her…

The stars may live for a long time, but that doesn't mean
that the same days will repeat over and over forever.
Noone can see into tomorrow.

“Hey, you okay? Just smile and things will get better.”

“Hey you feeling better? If needed, I am just a call or a sms away.”

“You take care. It might be bad but tomorrow’s a whole new day.”

“I know you are just saying spiteful words and that’s all I hope they would be. You take care okay?”

Messages of concern brought tears to her eyes. Was she too happy? Too relieved? Or too shocked of the realization that she did have people who care?

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
Look inside yourself, you'll feel a heartbeat.
Yes, I want you to believe in the future.
You can take another look from the other side.

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
and you'll be able to find all that is love...

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, you'll feel a heartbeat.
Yes, I want you to believe in the "future."
You can take another look from the other side

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
until you find all that is love...

She was not as alone as she thought. She had friends and family who cared. She might not look forward to a future but she knew she could believe in herself and hold on. Her future would not be so bad.

Open up her mind and take a look from the other side. She found things she had to hold on. She saw a light within herself. Soon, she knew she would found what she was looking for…

And in the meantime, she had people supporting her…

And here’s I would like to thank everyone who had given me encouragements during my troubled times… all the best to everyone… well... exams’ over… so time to relax… mina-san take care!!!

And here’s the jap version of the song...I really love this song…

moshimo ima subete ga umaku nante ikanai
makesou ni naru toki datte
hitomi wo tojireba kokoro kara
sekai ga miete kuru

In this world when life can be so tough
You must be strong
Just believe in yourself and don't you fear
So open up your mind and close your eyes
Take another look from the other side

kodoku na yoru demo mayoi osoreru toki mo
ima wa hitori demo kono ashi de doko made mo
aruite ikeru hazu dakara

Just hold on tight hitomi tojita nara
Look inside yourself kagayaki ga aru kara
Yes, subete shinjite hoshii
You can take another look from the other side

Just hold on tight kokoro kujikete mo
Reach into your soul ashita ga mienakute mo
Yes, ikiru tsuyosa ga areba
You can take another look from the other side
ai no subete ni deau made...

kono sekai de ikinuite-iku tame no tsuyosa wo
anata ni negatte-iru kara
kokoro no tobira wo hiraitara
nanika ga miete kuru

Just remember you are not alone
So don't you fear
Even though you're miles away
I'm by your side
So open up your mind and close your eyes
I'll be there for you no matter where you are

hoshi no inochi nara nagai kedo itsu made mo
onaji kono hibi ga kurikaesu wake ja nai
ashita wa dare ni mo mienai

Just hold on tight hitomi tojita nara
Look inside yourself kodou kanjiru kara
Yes, "MIRAI" shinjite hoshii
You can take another look from the other side

Just hold on tight kokoro kujikete mo
Reach into your soul ashita ga mienakute mo
Yes, chigau sekai ga atte
You can take another look from the other side
ai no subete ni deaeru yo...

Just hold on tight hitomi tojita nara
Look inside yourself kodou kanjiru kara
Yes, "MIRAI" shinjite hoshii
You can take another look from the other side

Just hold on tight kokoro kujikete mo
Reach into your soul ashita ga mienakute mo
Yes, chigau sekai ga atte
You can take another look from the other side
ai no subete ni deau made...
ok... i m trying to type up swift killer again... starting frm the first one...
i noe that's realli realli old... but i lost everything when my com spoiled... was it 2 yrs ago... haha...
or mayb i shd do my other stories first?
aniway... hope to see everione soon... no... not for sch...

Friday, May 16, 2008

orchard trip...

went to orchard on tue night...
i hadnt gone there since orchard lib closed...
seriously... the reasons for mi to go orchard are either for the lib or to get art supplies...
wenya wanted to go...
so there we are... mi xinying n wenya...
took a few pics...
the pics are clearer w my new hp...
supposed to b my sis but...
aniway we ate at jap/korean food...
i got a bento set...
then xinying got her kimchi n wenya scrambled egg noodles...
n i tink wenya not suited to eat jap food other than tempura :p
cause she's complaining... n i tok it's quite nice... haha...
then we walked ard...
n wenya was abusing qi-zai...

i m currently addicted to this game i borrowed frm the lib...
i love the game...
real test ur mind... haha...
it's a rpg game...
oni instead of the normal fighting...
u are supposed to fight with gems...
making three or more same gems together...

more updates soon...
gathering tmr!!!
but peikiat n joanne cant make it... haiz... din see them for almost more than a yr?

happy mothers' day

ok... i noe i m seriously lagging...
ok.. tis is sth i want to post on mothers' day but...
type too slow...
this hols...
i m gg to finish typing up all my stories...
i m editing all the stories i had written in books...
so some of u might have read some of it b4 le...
aniway... i think quite a few read tis b4...
but i juz post it here n my chinese blog...
it is written after reading fruit basket...
n hope u all enjoy...
n everithg is fiction!
ok... here's it...























“那姐姐,一定很难过。”小妹妹看着低下,伤心地说道, “我也是。”


“你不敢回家,不是只是因为害怕被骂被打。而也是怕被妈妈讨厌。”我轻声地说道, “也是因为觉得很丢脸,所以才躲起来,是吗?”












小妹妹的母亲跑到了她面前,便开始大骂:“你这孩子!怎么这么坏? 你知道我们多担心吗?这么怎么坏?”








“是啦是啦!安静点!这么吵! 快点回家吃饭了。”







那天晚上,我在心里,轻声道: “妈,谢谢您。”


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

good luck and good bye

ok... sth i draw during exam...
then using the colour adjustment to make it blue... it's actually black...
i drew it when i was so tired w the readings...

doing a post later tmr abt the exams...
i m now crazy abt saiyuki...
love goku!!! n the arguments they have among themselves are so funny sometime...

juz doing a song introduction here...

since it is a happy day for mi for finishing the exam...
here's the song frm gundam wing...

jap and eng translation taken frm here....

duo maxwell's theme song
good luck and good bye!

he's my fav gundam wing character...
happy go lucky and with his funny remarks...
love him!!!
ok... here's the jap...
listen to it on my blog...
it's on the left...
veri nice cheery song...

Ashita no kagayaki wo shinjite 'ru
Kono te ni tsukamaeyou CARRY ON!

Kata wo butsuke surechigau
Ni-do to aenai ore-tachi
Jibun katte na yarikata de
Asu wo sagasou
Itsu ka aeru sa
Omae ga sagashite iru yume ni
Kaze ni sakaratte toozakaru sono senaka ni

Deai to wakare dake kurikaesu
Kotae wo mitsukeru made CARRY ON!

Kizutsuku nante yowa-sugiru
Kitsuku kuchibiru kamishime
Aitsu wa tooku mitsumete 'ta
Kokoro wa misenai
Jibun shidai de yume gakanau koto wo shitte 'ru
Dakara kono mune ni yomigaeru ano egao ni

Ashita no kagayaki wo shinjite 'ru
Kono te mi tsukamaeyou CARRY ON!

Deai to wakare dake kurikaesu
Kotae wo mitsukeru made CARRY ON!


the english translation...

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Believe in the shining of tomorrow
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Grab on to my hand and carry on...

We who just bumped shoulders
and brushed past each other,
Each in our own way ---
We'll search for tomorrow

We'll meet again sometime
in the dreams you're searching for
As you face into the wind and
I see your back becoming small in the distance...
Goodluck and Goodbye

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Only meeting and parting --- again and again...
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Until you find the answers... carry on!

Although not that hard enough to hurt,
He's biting his lips hard...
He's staring off into the distance
And won't show his heart...

I know it's up to me
to fulfill my own dreams...
So, to that smile of yours that lives again in my heart...
Goodluck and Goodbye

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Believe in the shining of tomorrow
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Grab on to my hand and carry on...

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Only meeting and parting --- again and again...
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Until you find the answers... carry on...

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!

my chinese version... tink i din translate properly...
mayb edit again when i tok of a better one...

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
捉住我的手,不要放弃carry on

Goodluck and Goodbye

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
直到你找到答案为止。。。carry on!

Goodluck and Goodbye

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
捉住我的手,不要放弃carry on

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
直到你找到答案为止。。。carry on!

Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
Everybody, nice! Everybody, nice!
Everybody, chance! Everybody, chance!
haiz... if oni everybody is so nice and has the chance...

to all reading this entry...
muz always be happy and smile!
hold on and carry on ...
i wish all of you good luck...
n goodbye to all the bad thgs!!!