Monday, May 19, 2008

journey of the ant...

ok.. i wonder how many of u actually rmb tis story i had writen long long time ago...
in jc 1? aniway... i got tired of typing chinese...
so i translate it into eng...

The journey of an ant

The sun shone harshly on its back. The wind blew ruthlessly at it. Even though all the ant could see was sand, it held on. Soon, it would find its way back to its home. The garden with the soft ground and the cooling breeze.

It carried on. A mountain stood in its way. Without hesitation, it climbed its way up and over it. It took a long time the sun was shinning in another way now. It was tired but it would not give up. Its home was calling out to it.

Another mountain and another mountain. Soon, it knew it would get there. With determination, it continued on. Soon… very soon, it would reach home.

“Mummy!” a boy laughed as he played happily in the sand pit, “look at that ant! It was running in circles! Don’t know where it wants to go. So funny!”

“Matt! Hurry up and get ready to go home! I don’t want you playing with insects!” the boy’s mother called.

“Okay,” the boy giggled as he blew at the ant, “I’m going home! Bye!”

And the boy left the ant to continue on its journey…

dun ask mi wad i was tinking when i was writing abt tis...
juz tinking abt if we shd stop andtake a look ard b4 we charged blindly 4wrd...
take a step further away n look at the big pic...
mayb thgs will be so different?

wad do u all tink? haha

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