Monday, May 26, 2008

jurong lib n imm... n some reflectns

finally went out today w sijia 2day...
really had fun...
talked abt thgs...
n borrowed lots of bks!!!
haha lib double the quota le...

i found an eng runourni kenshin novel!!!
realli cant believe it at 1st...
i had seen lots of chinese manga novel but not eng ones!!!
wow! 1st time i saw one!
all thxs to si jia cause i usually dun realli look at eng bks haha...

i actually 4got to take pics...
bad memory....
we walked ard imm...
heehee i buy 2 interesting pens at daiso...
upload the pics tmr...
we talked abt some thgs as we ate our ramen...
oishii desu ne...
though i dun realli like the meat...

aniway... juz sth we talked abt that juz happened to be on my mind these few days...
how sheltered am i?
i tink i was quite sheltered frm bad thgs ...
i had my share of doubts, hurt and sadness in my life...
but i m lucky...
i always had friends and family to support mi...

i was tinking abt this when i was watching saiyuki reload n xiao fu ren the other day
n today we talked abt some little thgs in our lives...
i could not helped tinking that i had some friends in my life that really impacted mi a lot... whether in a positive or negative way...
politics is always ard mi...
since even in pri sch...
but mayb not now... cause uni more free?

i tink it's the lack of a standard class...
ppl ard u changed almost everyday...
in pri n sec sch... it's more abt friends in the clique...
in jc it is ur class...
n i had to say the way thgs are changed as ppl get older...
they get more manipulative...

i was reading a gw fan fic...
n one of e character tried to use feelings to manipulate his best friend to telling him thgs he wanted to noe...
he tried to use gulit saying that he was not a gd friend by not telling him...
then that failed...
he used insults...
trying to make his best friend feel feel upset cause he wont tell him...
then he used anger... n thgs...
is that wad best friend shd b?
as tools to information? as punchbag?

i dunno...
everi1 has a diff interpretion of friendship...
n sometimes they conflict...
it's so hard to maintain a friendship sometimes...
but if no effort put in... no benefits will be gained...

that's life i guess...
it's juz the way...
dun expect gd thgs to happen wout effort put in...
n well...

i guess i m not one who likes to give b4 gaining?
i dunno...
but sometime... it's veri tiring 4 mi to maintain sth i guess...
like now...
it's the hols...
n supposed to be able to mit up easily...
but i cant seem to be able ot find a time to mit up w my friends...

mayb it's that i cant commit some time?
but i tink it's mostly a clash of our free time...
juz that... most of them likes to mit at nite n FAR AWAY frm my hse...
it's so late by the time i reach home...
n i dun like it one bit...
n for mi most of the time are spent on travelling...
n i dun like coming home late...

n 4 some evenings i got tuition...
hence i cant go out in the afternoons...
n the other days not free for the others...

then 4 wkends...
i got tuition in the mornings or afternoons...
so cant go out...
but i had to say i did enjoy teaching...
juz tink i need to learn to have more patience sometime or be more firm...
i learn that letting children esp younger ones choose is not very gd...
cause they will juz start negotiating instead of listening...

actually i do go out but juz alone on my own...
wandering ard doing some of my own shopping...
actually i din do much shopping more on buying food to eat haha...
juz go to lib find some bks n read b4 gg home...

haiz... i m getting antisocial?
i dunno? haha...
hmm... is blogging consider social?
nya... dun tink so... haha...

impt days coming presents to buy...
realli need to do some real shopping then...
hope to mit up soon, ok?
sorie my entry seemed so randomn...
haha typing wadever comes to mind...

n ps...
is anione else experiencing prob when gg to zhui xing's blog?
cause i cant see the posts...
actually for some time le... since last wk? or the wk b4...
or is it my com?

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