Sunday, October 28, 2007

term paper... a lot to do...

haiz... it is exam week for pri sch...
my most tiring days...
yes... worse than my own exams...
hav tuition from mon to wed everiday...
come home teach my sis...
then term paper coming up...
havent started... n an exam...
mission status:
(sorry i addited to gundam wing :p)
ch literature history chu ci ... 5th nov... readings done... nid to plan n type...
universe exam on 6th nov... havent started yet... borrowed bks to revise...
universe term paper... 13th wk(2 more wks later)... grp project... havent started at all...
ch spore lit... also 13th wk... research half done... nid more bks n planning...
haiz... die le... i got a lot to do...

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