Sunday, October 21, 2007

complain n voluteering...

ok... another complain i want to rant...
on fri... since it was raining...
i decided to go woodlands n take 962...
well... buy long john silver takeaway...
haiz... everitime i go that place, i was not happy with the service...
there was not many ppl n i juz had to wait for a person b4 it was my turn...
but i tink that auntie was making sure that there were chillies and things...
plus she ordered a lot so she's taking some time to carry everything properly...
so i waited as she moved...
BUT the waitress (is that wad we called the person taking our order at a fast food resturant?)
aniway... she juz din even wait for the auntie to finish speaking n then juz told her everithg is there n she wont forget to giv her anithg...
then she juz turned to me n asked loudly wad i want...
i would have used the word "demanded" but i will be a bit neutral here...
i walked a bit closer n told her my order...
then she bent to take sth... she said sth but i cant make it out since she's behind the counter..
i cant even see her... much less make out wad she was asking...
then she asked again, irritated...
i was getting a bit pissed off at the attitude...
then i asked for tomato n tata sauce...
she juz put 2 packets of tomato sauce and asked for my money...
i giv her n asked her for tata sauce again...
well... i always asked for tata sauce no matter wad the order was...
n all the time the waiter/waitress always put them in... plus oni 2 packets of ketchup... obviously not enough...
but the auntie waitress juz said... chicken one rite? i dun giv tata sauce to chicken one.
yes. that was her exact words except she spoke in chinese... "鸡的我不给tata sauce 的。"
n the tone was like so angry that i asked her for tata sauce again...
then she wanted to brush me off and asked the person behind mi wad order he wants...
ok... if the quence is long i dun mind... but there was like oni one person behind mi... n he was like still deciding what he wants... since he was still looking at the board...
n wad's more impt was that she juz handed mi the money n ignored mi...
i said excuse mi n asked her for an extra plastic bag... since the drink always spilled n i nid to take the bus...
n she hesistated before reaching to take one n juz put it on the table then ignored mi...
n i had to say that i was quite polite n use please in all my sentence...
now that i tink of it i tink i shd have at least show her that i was unhappy...
i dunno why she was rushing n her atitude was bad...
as it was oni ard 4pm... there were few customers... n almost no quene...
n the tone she used n words... i dun tink it was approicate for ppl in the service sector to have...
cant u smile a bit or at the veri least said pls may i help u...instead of hey! wad do u want?...
aniway... yesterday was the last day of voluteering...
meaning the carnival...
it was fun...
but my partner din come...
haiz... i sms n called...
since i m the grp ic... i had smsed everi1 to tell mi if they are coming... all except my partner replied...
but it was fun...
we talked... n i realized... why is it everi1 ard mi... including myself... like to make "cold" jokes?...
haha... but it was fun...
realli made some friends... mayb will join nxt time... but cant decide yet... since dec might nid to prepare 4 tuition...
haha... realized i used a lot of same wrds today... :p
but i lazy...
havent started on my project... my hp bills low again.. my cashcard no money le...
lots of notes to be printed... haiz... nid to save $ again...

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