Saturday, October 13, 2007


yesterday also veri unlucky... or mayb a little lucky... i dunno

1st i have universe tut at 10am
i reached buona vista mrt at ard 9.25am...
and i waited till 9.55am b4 ani 95 that i can take comes!!!
2 of the buses went off because too full alr...
n it made mi late 4 abt 5min to my tut...
but a lot of ppl late as well...
so still ok...

then i waited at the canteen, reading a storybk...
yes when i m suppsoed to be studying...
then saw my cousin... veri seldom see him at all since he's at computing...
turns out that he is taking the science of music...
they juz have a mid-term...n i look at the papers...
i want to take tis module!!!
but nxt sem... it clashed w my ch module...
muz wait till nxt nxt sem!!! haiz...
then he told mi of another busstop to take 95 when there are fewer ppl!!!...
i shd have asked him earlier... nxt time i m gg to use that busstop!

then i decided to go into the lt n wait...
n i have stomachache... i went into the lt 20 min earlier n i went to the toilet a few times b4 the lect even started... mayb it's because of my that time of the mth...
finally i juz told xiujuan that i go home 1st...
juz b4 i go... it turned out that the star gazing had changed dates...
n i din catch the new date!!!
i have to apply leave again!!!
worst thing is!!! no one noe when it had been changed...
apparently... the few of them had alr gone so no one listened to when the new date is...
haiz... guess i might have to s u tis module...
exams bad... now might even lose the 5 pts for star gazing....
n that's why i hate missing lect... i always din get the infor i nid after that...

that's not all...
due to my constant nid to be in the toilet...
i had to cancel one of my tuition...
i felt like canceling the other one at yishun as well...
but there was a new boy coming...
so i rested as well as i can at home till evening to go tuition...
yes resting means i m watching inuyasha... i borrowed the dvd frm the nlb... n reading my storybk... though half the time i m grumbling abt stomach cramps... haha...

haiz... finally i managed to endure till 9pm then rushed home...
yes i nid the toilet!!!
my mum kept asking mi what i had eaten but realli i cant rmb...
i tink i ate too much fried food le...

then i went to shower...
n the most scariest thing happened...
i wahed my face n reached for the facial foam...
due to the water i din see where i was reaching...
i juz take the thing n then i washed my face then finally when i was abt to put it back...
the place where i was touching juz now... had a big brown beetle!!!
veri big one... ok mayb not that big... but it is almost the size of an adult cockroach...
n i was touching it earlier!!!
no wonder i tok why there seemed to be something touching my fingers juz now...
it was that bettle's legs which was still moving even when i was watching it !!!
aaagh!!! i was so shocked n i quickly ran out of the toilet and asked my dad to watch it...
i hate all these insects!!!

haiz... then finally i sat down to watch d grey man after i showered...
my dad threw that beetle outside... he said that it was a "gu"...
wadever it is, its legs are hairy... i can feel it... yuck...
finally went to sleep when show ended...
spent a sleepless night n woke up at 7am... since then i m using the com...

ok nid to go le...
i tink i m realli unlucky.... haiz...

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