Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 resoln...

1. muz study hard!!!

ok... i dun tink i did it esp for the first half of the year due to chicken pox!!!
my cap did not rise at all... at the seriously too low... 3.1.... thtough i tried my hardest to pull it up... m i the oni who's always tis... unlucky? ok.. maybe that is my excuse...

no more excuses nxt yr!!!
but well... hate to say all those missed lect n tut realli pull down my cap since i m taking those that emphasizes on daily work!!!
ok... i m so stupid....

n din continue to study everi week!... study trips?...

2. less arguing w my parents and be more filial to them

ok... still arguing esp during "downtime..."
will continue to improve... no more screaming n yelling....

3. be more patient and show more care for everyone

well... a bit better in terms of teaching but still lacking at home...

4.less indecisive... n more firm...

my indecisive had consequences... so dun tink i m more firm... nid to improve...

5. help my sister,cousin n the girl i m giving tuition to get good score for her PSLE...

finally been there, done that!!!

6. save more money

ok... increasing but predicted to decrease as i dun tink i giving tuition next yr... concentrating on studying...

7. update n complete my stories

hate to say... i oni updated one chap or 2 peace knights due to sickness n busy life...
then i decided to start on a chi one as well... i m so dead...

8. do not do thgs last min...

ok... all my thgs still last min esp 1st half due to lots of reasons...
but improve a bit for second half... finished my term papers n exam revision few days earlier... though the results are still not gd enouf to compensate for the first half...

2009 resolutions

1. still study hard!

2. be more patient n less arguing w family

3. treasure all my friends n to choose friends carefully (sounds a bit -tive? :p but enouf w bad experiences...)

4. update n complete my stories..

5. do not do thgs last min... muz be consistent...

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