Monday, December 15, 2008


ok.. i decided to dig out some of the books in that shelf...
and in such a small space i actually dig out this much books...

most of them are to be thrown away.... or recycled...or given away
though not sure who might want them...ani takers? lol

aniway my sis wanted some of them after i had taken them out... haiz... wasted effort...
below are some snapshots...

comics.... and joke books... mostly frm pri n sec sch years...
so nostalgic...

then storybks... sad to say some i din even read b4 :p
like these....

then there's my fav!

firstly is enid blyton...
i love "the... of adventure" series-- i esp love the drama and the parrot kiki, the "six cousins" series- warming and touching and lastly the veri long "the mystery of..."series... fatty and his disguises are so funny...

then there's my veri fav-- Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys's series...
i tink i finish most of the nancy drew books... well i was reading one of them everiday for a long time :p then there's the sort of x-overs... nancy with the frank and joe hardy...

i finished the whole series when i was in pri sch i tink... still got a lot more i borrowed frm the lib...

haha... sweet valley twins... i only bought one... the unicorn... i rmb reading one sweet valley high that i cried cause one of the characters died... not the mian one obivously... but that's the only sweet valley high bk i rmb reading... guess i m not such a big fan of sweet
i more a babysitter club fan... well borrowed all frm the lib...

and i like the merrie devil... the story is not bad... still got another one but i tink got thrown away le...

then there's the choose ur own adventure bk... and r l stine... actually i dun rmb reading them... i tend to stray away frm ghost stories... well esp after i rmb reading... ok i oni read one but... well singapore true ghost stories....

then there's the chinese bks... that i forgot they exist :p...
din realize i got a lot of singapore-malaysia chinese bks... n i did take that module... wasted... inside there's someauthors i rmb studying abt...

my fav chinese detective story... the three sisters are really sth u noe...
veri funny and thrilling...

pri sch or presch bks...
haha i rmb memorizing the whole storybk- the elves and the shoemaker when i was young... haha... nostalgic!

the book for game also choose ur own adventure books but this one in a set...

well... clearing thgs up give me nostalgic feelings...

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