Sunday, March 30, 2008


so long since i updated...
so many thgs to do...
decided to take a short break n blog...
2 more days till 2 wks is up...
n it is a nightmare trying to study n catch up...
esp for einstein's universe...
dun understand anithg to begin w...
n i m missing 2 tutorials due to chicken pox...
plus 4 lect n one lect i missed the week b4 due to stomach cramps...
n there's oni i tink abt 10 or 11 lect for that modules tis term for the exam n i missed 5 of them...

sending emails everiwhere...
grp projects... n presentations...
missed a presentation, 6 tutorials... one for each module n 2 for einstein...
sending term paper n report to prof thru emails...
cause i cant go out n scared i spread germs ard...
how to catch up? i dunno?
still intending to pull my cap up but haiz...
not oni that so stressful...
good thing that my headaches n fever stopped...
n the itch... but i tink some might scar... esp one on my face...

realized sth impt...
muz always take note of my health n my temp...
i could be having a high fever of above 39 degees n i din noe...
haiz... mayb shd take better care of myself...
no more skipping of meals i tink...
juz a short update...
i still want to take pics of my new bag n clothes...
buy muz wait... cause scared of the germs...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


having a headache...
no strength to study or do some typing...
so i surf ard the net...
and i discovered some veri gd description of pisces...
they are true at least for mi...

here's an abstract... taken frm...


她很会察言观色,虽然有时她并不会利用这一点去处事,但一切都要看形势需要。可以说她的傻气是装出来的,可爱却不一定是装出来的;柔弱是装出来的,易被感动却不是装出来的;耐心是她很努力去维持的,但并不代表她就容许别人放肆。  她可以最不记仇,但把她逼到忍无可忍不能再忍的时候,你就等着死吧。最好的情况是她警告一次就不会有什么举动,最糟糕的情况就是——暗暗的发动你周遭一切可以发动的人对你进行最猛烈的攻击,让你瞬间失去一切,还会主动来向她道歉~~并且事后都不会知道你究竟怎么死的。所以没事别去惹双鱼座,不然老天爷都不会放过你,何况她。

他们很会演戏,只是很多时候她们并不是刻意的在演。演只是一种本能。而作用和效果也随情况转变。  但有时候她们是故意那样做的,并且你往往看不出来,还会以为她们是真的傻傻的,真的乐天派,或是真的很脆弱很易被伤害,或是真的那么胆小。


esp the 3rd reason... i often do that... either b4 i go to sleep or when i wake up...

another one that is quite true...











aaah!!! guess i have to be careful... :p

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

chicken pox...

haiz... got a fever n a terrible headache yesterday
but no spots then i took panodol and no fever tis morning...
then had a translatn quiz n skipped einstein tutorial... there goes my marks!!!
but i got a bit dizzy...
then i got 2 tutorial presentations...
i froze in the middle of it...
cause i started to say sth but my headache came n i forgot abt it...
there goes my marks!!!
then i decided to skip lect n go see a doc cause the headache getting worse...
due to the fact that i wore jacket for the whole day...
i then realized i got 2 spots on my right hand...
then i panicked...
tried to see a doc but closed le...
nid to wait till 6.30pm...
went home..
then go clinic... my dad w mi...
n then the doc was late for an hr!!!
finally went in...
$42!!! my $... actually my parents said they pay...
but still x... i wanted to go polyclinic but closed for the day le...
n while waiting might infect someone...
n guess wad...
my 21st bday is tmr!!!
n i got chicken pox!!!
who got chicken pox on such an impt day?!!! mi!!!
xinying said because i kept getting paranoid so i get it...
will do a special entries later w pic... 4 all
i got wonderful relatives... haha...
my ganma bought a cake on sat n celebrated my 21st bday earlier...
n they sang bday song... i was so happy esp after the depression day i had...
then da yi came today...
n bought an expensive but super nice bag 4 mi!!!
the type i loved n wanted but too expensive....
n also 3 shirts... frm my fav... s n k!!!!
n one it's even a jacket n most imptly all my fav style!!!
i love them!!!
n not to forget, si jia gave mi tis wonderful present!!!
love it!!! esp the cards so sweet!!!
thxs a lot!!!
i might be having prob...
i might be sad...
but at the end of the day...
i m blessed...
i have wonderful family n friends...
even if we argued n thgs...

thxs a lot everybody!!!
thxs a lot!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a song... failure or survivor....

haha... i m supposed to be studying but cant get into the mood...
tink i might be getting unwell soon...
due to that time of the mth....
n i hope i will not get cp... TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

aniway juz sth to share....
these words appeared in my mind these few days so i juz get them out...
sorrie if it's weird...haha...

failure or survivor

standing in the rain
feeling the wind
i stopped my running
and now my tears are falling

no matter how i try, i still cry
but i know soon my tears will dry
but till then i can only wish
that they disappear with a swish

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
even when i am falling,
i will fight gravity, laughing

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
so what if i am failing,
i will struggle with all, smiling

words hurt more than actions
heart broken in pieces
mind scrambled in a daze
i think i am in a maze

arguing with family
straining relations with friends
but blood is thicker than water
true friends stay till the end

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
even when i am falling,
i will fight gravity, laughing

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
so what if i am failing,
i will struggle with all, smiling

in depression, hiding in a corner
quietly sobbing, not wanting to be heard,
but don't worry it will not be the end,
there's still a chance that things will mend

spring comes after winter
rainbow comes after the rain
just go to the end for your gold
dont hide in tears and be bold

stand under the sun's rays
it will be okay
cry or scream you may
tears are what you pay
then tomorrow will be another day

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
even when i am falling,
i will fight gravity, laughing

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
so what if i am failing,
i will struggle with all, smiling

now it might be bad
now i know i am mad
but when it's over
i know i will be glad
then i will reach the light
in the middle of the night
it will have to be bright
for i had fought with all my might

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
even when i am falling,
i will fight gravity, laughing

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
so what if i am failing,
i will struggle with all, smiling

am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
am i a failure?
no! i'm a survivor
we are all survivors
wipe off your tears
let's cheer
pick up all the pieces, we are the survivors!

sorrie if it sounds weird...
it had been circling my head...
no i will not cry animore i will be a survivor... haha...
n to everyone... let's smile to all challenges n dry all tears >_<

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


the more i decided not to blog... the more i wanted to blog...

aniway... juz reread ion arc's assumptions by sunhawk...
realli realli love sunhawk's fan fic...
it's realli gd... lots of angst but always so touching...
it's the little thgs that touched mi...
assumptions... i love it...
a misunderstood guy... how the others realized how wrong they are...
n i wonder how true it is... veri veri true...

most ppl dun see past that mask i wear half the time...
it's not it's so easy to smile even though u are unhappy...
to other ppl that u dun care it's so easy to do that....
but to ppl u are close to... it juz get harder n harder...
n my parents always said i m always fake...
looked like a gd girl in other ppl's eyes when all i do was to argue at them...

it's so hard sometimes...
outside i had to put on a mild smile mask or an impassie smile...
at home i had to put on an angry mask...
i rmb these two lines i wrote in my bk when i was in sec 1 or 2...

it's hard... ppl juz assume...
if u smile n be polite they will tink u are a nice person to get with...
if u glared or frowned they will tink tis person is so rude n diffcult to get along...
it is always tis tainted glasses thg...

assumptions... how wrong or how true can assumptions be?


i tink i shd stop updating for a while or do something else?
realli tink i nid to rest my mind...
n well... since tis sem... most of the modules i m taking alone...

so i tink i shd take the time to stop gg out n thgs...
mayb after a while i will feel better n attain social skills?
haha... i noe sounds weird...
but dun tink i shd mit ani1 other than for sch purposes...
since my social skills are so bad...
tink i shd step away frm all these mess...
then after that i will have a clearer mind?...

aniway... lots of thgs coming...
n got a lot of projects...
nid to find grps... but dunno ani1 in the class...
wonder how i can find a grp?...
mayb i will fail... haiz...
wonder how i can contact someone when i dunno ani1...
tink i will juz have to settle my sch stuff 1st...
then the rest... juz have to wait...

today had 4 hr break... spent it alone at the usual desk...
surfing the net w my laptop...
forgot to bring earphone so cant watch...
but reading a few touching stories...
work lagging again...
tink i shd not go out or do anithg for the rest of the sem...
strained relatnship w others esp zhui xing...
well.. guess i will have to focus on sch work 1st...
after all my cap realli bad...

dun tink can study outside again...
cause dun want to repeat last wk's experience...
tink i shd go home straight after tuition on sat...
no more dillydally n thur as well no more wandering till 7.30pm for tuition...
focus on work!!!

temporary not gg aniwhere...
haha... but might be gg to woodlands or jurong lib soon... mayb tmr...
n still feel like gg escape... but everi1 says not nice...
n mayb i shd buy a comic or a blouse?
but nid to go out... then again... staying at home w my sis having chicken pox... now that's a scary thought... haha... i m so fickle :p
ok... juz a note might not update tis blog soon...
juz nid a break...
mayb nxt wk oni yiwen will see mi?
i mean other than lect...
cause we have einstein term paper to be handed in soon...
haha... dun be scared if i din reply...
cause real busy n nid time to adjust my feelings...
haiz if i have the money i will disappear for real...
mayb come back after a few weeks...
haiz but have sch n no money...

so... aniway...

sth to clarify...
for my bday...
actually the east coast idea is ok... but juz not special...
i dun hate like juz not as like it... n i was trying to find a way to celebrate it to make it more special than an usual east coast trip...
the reason i din want to plan my bday while i m tired or upset was that i wanted it to be special...
eastcoast is like kept gg a few times last year...
so at least sth different tis time n i was trying to come up w one or tink we can go somewhere else... but it's like ppl kept rushing n thgs... n i dun like it...
i realli hate to do sth other ppl pressure mi to do...

mayb that's why i dun like peer pressure...
for mi... sometime i might even do the opp or at least wont do it at all.. if someone pressure mi...

n no matter how many times i say i dun want to celebrate it due to unforseenable circumstances... to others they are juz excuses n they brush it off n said wont happen one juz come up w a plan lah...

n when i told my mum... my mum actually juz told mi to tell everi1 i'm sick... since the possibilty is quite high but TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!!

i m worried enough n ppl juz said wont happen n ask mi to do thgs...
it's like my opinion dun matter... then wad for u ask mi?
they say juz postponed it...

hello! i m worried enough n dare not even dare to tink of tmr... n here u are saying i m chicken little n pressure mi to quickly decide sth? if u tink that bday is special... then y kept pressuring?
then y muz make mi stop doing sth that impt...
yes i finally get in the mood n understand the readings n left half a page... but now nid to start over cause i dunno wad the front says... n it takes mi an extra 2 hr when i can finish it in less than 15 min if i stayed in that mood...
n then got angry because havnt discussed sth that i dun planned to... ok mayb i shd planned to discuss but i tok that that day stuy is the reason i came out... if i noe nid to discuss sth... i might try to read some earlier...
i dunno... but wad's past is had passed...

n i admit i said a lot of irresponsible thgs...
but i m pissed off n frustrated...
i tok i could escape frm it instead i got in deeper...

aniway i tok i shd try sth new...
but now no mood to celebrate...
n tink feel pathetic to celebrate...
cause it sparked off my trouble for mi...

mayb i m a weird person?
the more ppl rush mi to do sth...
the more i will hate it...
that's why i hate grp projects...
cause ppl always rush each other to finish sth...
i cant like it...
it made mi feel like i cant do anithg i like n doesnt giv mi time to tink...
n if i hate it... i wont do it...

mayb i m stubborn...
but that's no way i wanted to do sth i dun like esp for sth like my bday...
rite now... i realli hate celebrating it...
i appreciate the effort all of u put in to plan...
but it's juz not the way i like it..
n i dunno if i want to go... seriously... i was hoping for sth special n relaxing...
mayb even decide wad to do on the spot or sth...
but sth that kept niding to do tis n that...
it's like becoming to be a duty not a relaxing thg...

daily journals on hiatus!!!
wont update abt my life soon i tink....

Monday, March 10, 2008

lightening up...

ok... i guess i'm done w enough crying...
n guess i scared yiwen n mayb more of u out there...
realli sorrie...
but dun worry i m not sucidal :p

i m done w crying...
i dun tink i shd cry so much...
after all isn't growing up means smiling even when u are crying?
ok... mayb not realli but...
i decided to take notice on lucky thgs in my life instead of bad thgs...
n as i looked at my hp...
i realized i had taken a shot of an aeroplane flying past on thur...
guess i m lucky to see one as i was walking...
actually intended to put on my pics but blogger seems to have some probs... so guess had to be nxt time... took pics of trees n clouds... nxt time...

Sunday, March 09, 2008


ok... juz tok i shd update on my daily life...
seriously... i hate my life a lot rite now...
it's like anitime now... i can juz break down n cry...
n i dunno y...

thgs are gg crazy for mi... so much that i can juz jump off sth...
juz that i dun have the courage... no i m not sucidal... i dun have courage to jump since i m afraid of heights aniway...

my 2nd sis got chicken pox last sun...
since then i m paranoid... a pimple or acne i gg crazy n panicky...
got a lot of thgs for the nxt few weeks...
tests term papers n presentations...
so if i nid to get 2 wk leave... i tink i will die... my cap will nvr recover...

pri sch got their ca results...
n all of them did not do well...
my little sis... did ok... but not as well as expected...
n my parents were scolding...
it's like it's my fault for not teaching her better...
n for the other 2 whom i was teching as well...
it's the same...

my 2nd sis got her a level results...
due to chicken pox, my dad had to go...
n then kept wanting mi to help her find information...
n she dun want to ask her friend...
n my parents kept saying i m selfish n dun want to help her...
her results not veri gd... so i told her it's difficult...
then my parents kept saying that i m like kept pouring cold water n made her scared...
i m simply stating facts n asked her to prepare another way...
so i ended screaming n yelling again...
n my parents said i m a failure of education... selfish...

long wk as it is an odd week... n it's a hectic week
a test on mon... then long tue...
then wed rest a bit b4 my sis woke mi up at 8am...
hello... i woke up at 5a m on mon n tue... due to early lessons n my lessons ended at 6pm... i reached home at ard 8pm...
then thur is the same thg... woke up at 5am due to early tutorial... then rush home to rest b4 dashing for tuition... tuition ended at almost 10pm...
then fri... my sis woke up up at 7.45am!!! w her screaming n thgs...
i din have a good rest for the whole week!!!
then she got her results... n another chaos erupted..
everi1 is calling to ask abt her results... n thgs...
for mi... i escaped to tuition... n i realized my tutee did not have gd results...
then reached home and started aruging n thgs again...

thruout the week ppl are smsing mi abt project n thgs...
got a presentation coming n i nid to finish a term paper due veri soon...
n i had not started with all the chaos...
then my ezlink card got $4.10 deleted wout ani papers printed...
so in the end i nid to wait n thgs then got back my refund but problem...
i nid to bring my nets card to sch to do topup... so cant do animore printing or photocopying that day!!! AAAAH!!! i m so unlucky....

i decided to study outside to escape all the stress...
as well as to meet as much deadlines as i could...
my tuition cancelled cause i dun want to go to my grandma's hse n carried ani germs w mi...
so woke up at 6.30am on sat...
brought my sis to sch then mit ms mango at mrt...
she woke up late so a bit late then we went to amk mac to study...
quite productive actually... but oni in the middle...
but my emtions sank down in the end... haiz...

my 21st bday is coming n seriously...

1st, instead of sth i can look forward to... it is becoming sth i dread... or rather... increasing my troubles...
it is straining my relatnships w others n cause mi more problems...
on thur... while i was so tired... that i almost forgot to board the bus at ard 10.15pm?
i decided to not think abt it cause i cant even walk properly... yes the fact that i might not be able to celebrate it due to sickness was panicking mi...
so i decided to reply saying that talk another time...

seriously... i had lots of plans...
like doing some recording to rmb the day...
gg to escape cause i din go b4... n been wanting to go...
mayb gg to east coast to play in the water... then have pot luck...
mayb buy a formal blouse frm this fashion cause they are having a sale...
buy a book i like to rmb the day... cause i always buy a comic to rmb someday i like... or to cheer myself up...

but i nid time to tink abt them n i m realli tired...
so i said nxt time mayb tmr...
but in the end... on fri... chaos day... w release of a level results...
n mi trying to ans phone cause my sis cant ans... n explaining to everi1... no my dad is taking cause my sis had chicken pox... it is either mi or my mum to answer the phone...
then rush to tuition come back argue some more w my parents cause i disagreed w wad they say...
then on sat... i decided to study outside...
n i was tinking of finishing 2 stacks of readings one for presentation n another on term paper both due veri soon...
i was able to finish two thick readings n left about one-quater of wad i photocopied myself to finish up... finally in the mood of studying n was veri happy cause i realli nid to finish them yesterday... but no...
cant finish them cause we nid to discuss abt birthday outing...

i was so frustrated... n i decided n i m sticking to it that... no... I M NOT CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY!
y shd i if it caused so much problems...
i m not looking forward towards it...
n i realli wish i can go somewhere n hide myself till i finish everithg...
n i tink i m becoming tired...

somehow... i feel like i m losing myself...
instead of being able to relax... i tink i m trying hard to keep up in wadever i do...
it's like everithg becomes a duty... not sth to enjoy...
mayb i m a person who is destined to be alone...
i m tired of trying to be sth i dun like i m tired of unable to do wad i want...
mayb i shd not have friends cause i oni argue or quarrel w them...
same for family... mayb i shd stick to wad i realized when i was young... be a loner...
go somewhere alone and stayed there...
mayb my eq is low? or mayb my personality is simply bad... i m a selfish person...
i dunno...

but i m realli tired of doing thgs to keep up w others...
n dun tink i want to go aniwhere soon...
plus to add on to all these prob...
i tink i m sick...
mayb i might get it too? TOUCH WOOD!!!!
but i dunno it's all tis stress or wad...
i dun want to fall sick... but i tink it's becoming more n more difficult to live... to survive...
m i a failure? i dunno... n i hope not...

sorrie i noe i m ranting juz nid to say out loud... or rather type out loud...
n i m realli realli praying that i would not get sick!!!

< maybe i shd juz die...

i hate my life i hate eveythg in the world...
i hate myself...
family... friends...
i almost wish i m a hermit... one wout anione in my life...

a loner... locked in a room... wout anione to talk to...
wout hearing anithg... wout seeing anithg...

mayb i shd lock in a room... throw away the key...
forever trapped inside... mayb i will be happier...
i m so tired... y shd i try... thgs will juz get worse...
the more i try... the worse i get...
so why shd i try... i will oni cry...
n no one will more...
y shd ani1 care?

i wish i was alone in the world...
i m so tired... n if i had the courage mayb i will juz throw everithg away...
maybe i m sucidial but i noe i m not...
i m a coward cause i oni dare to dream... but not act...
i dun have the courage...
think i m real pathetic...

i tink my sanctuary is the toilet...think it is funny?
since young i hid inside the master bedroom's room toilet n for hrs...
sat inside there n cry... well... it's dry n no one can come in...
when i got scolded or veri upset...
i will hide inside n no one can get mi out unless i want to come out...
as i grow older... i tok i kick that weird habit...
but even when outside whenever i m upset...
i will still hide in the toilet...
frm yj to hospital to even mac...
somehow when i close that door tears will juz flow...
i dunno why... but it did...

i want to throw everithg away n ran away...
y is everythg i do wrong?
y is it that i cant do thgs i want?
is it because i shd not have family n friends?
is because my personality is too bad for family n friends?
mayb i shd be alone in tis world...

i argue w my family... makes everi1 tired...
make myself scream n cry...
i shd not have friends...
i cant commit a lot of times...
i cant seem to commumicate w them...
i juz seem to make thgs worse....
n instead of being able to relax among them...
i m becoming more upset n felt more hurt instead...
i m like making thgs diffcult...
i cant seem to do anithg i like...

i shd be an invisible girl...
shd be sth that does not matter...
shd be sth that no one shd notice...
mayb that will be a better life for mi...

i decided to learn frm one of my friend's blog...

no the words are there juz not visble for those of u who dun like to read sad stuff...

juz pretend there's nothing there...

tis will go on for the rest of the entries...


find a cage...
lock myself in it...
throw away the key...
then i can be in peace....

true? mayb a bit... tink wenya n xin ying said sth like that abt me b4....
i like the qns... it's like
姜君文's 《镜花奇缘》... i read frm 卡通王's 长篇连载...