Tuesday, March 11, 2008


the more i decided not to blog... the more i wanted to blog...

aniway... juz reread ion arc's assumptions by sunhawk...
realli realli love sunhawk's fan fic...
it's realli gd... lots of angst but always so touching...
it's the little thgs that touched mi...
assumptions... i love it...
a misunderstood guy... how the others realized how wrong they are...
n i wonder how true it is... veri veri true...

most ppl dun see past that mask i wear half the time...
it's not it's so easy to smile even though u are unhappy...
to other ppl that u dun care it's so easy to do that....
but to ppl u are close to... it juz get harder n harder...
n my parents always said i m always fake...
looked like a gd girl in other ppl's eyes when all i do was to argue at them...

it's so hard sometimes...
outside i had to put on a mild smile mask or an impassie smile...
at home i had to put on an angry mask...
i rmb these two lines i wrote in my bk when i was in sec 1 or 2...

it's hard... ppl juz assume...
if u smile n be polite they will tink u are a nice person to get with...
if u glared or frowned they will tink tis person is so rude n diffcult to get along...
it is always tis tainted glasses thg...

assumptions... how wrong or how true can assumptions be?

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