Tuesday, March 11, 2008


i tink i shd stop updating for a while or do something else?
realli tink i nid to rest my mind...
n well... since tis sem... most of the modules i m taking alone...

so i tink i shd take the time to stop gg out n thgs...
mayb after a while i will feel better n attain social skills?
haha... i noe sounds weird...
but dun tink i shd mit ani1 other than for sch purposes...
since my social skills are so bad...
tink i shd step away frm all these mess...
then after that i will have a clearer mind?...

aniway... lots of thgs coming...
n got a lot of projects...
nid to find grps... but dunno ani1 in the class...
wonder how i can find a grp?...
mayb i will fail... haiz...
wonder how i can contact someone when i dunno ani1...
tink i will juz have to settle my sch stuff 1st...
then the rest... juz have to wait...

today had 4 hr break... spent it alone at the usual desk...
surfing the net w my laptop...
forgot to bring earphone so cant watch...
but reading a few touching stories...
work lagging again...
tink i shd not go out or do anithg for the rest of the sem...
strained relatnship w others esp zhui xing...
well.. guess i will have to focus on sch work 1st...
after all my cap realli bad...

dun tink can study outside again...
cause dun want to repeat last wk's experience...
tink i shd go home straight after tuition on sat...
no more dillydally n thur as well no more wandering till 7.30pm for tuition...
focus on work!!!

temporary not gg aniwhere...
haha... but might be gg to woodlands or jurong lib soon... mayb tmr...
n still feel like gg escape... but everi1 says not nice...
n mayb i shd buy a comic or a blouse?
but nid to go out... then again... staying at home w my sis having chicken pox... now that's a scary thought... haha... i m so fickle :p
ok... juz a note might not update tis blog soon...
juz nid a break...
mayb nxt wk oni yiwen will see mi?
i mean other than lect...
cause we have einstein term paper to be handed in soon...
haha... dun be scared if i din reply...
cause real busy n nid time to adjust my feelings...
haiz if i have the money i will disappear for real...
mayb come back after a few weeks...
haiz but have sch n no money...

so... aniway...

sth to clarify...
for my bday...
actually the east coast idea is ok... but juz not special...
i dun hate like juz not as like it... n i was trying to find a way to celebrate it to make it more special than an usual east coast trip...
the reason i din want to plan my bday while i m tired or upset was that i wanted it to be special...
eastcoast is like kept gg a few times last year...
so at least sth different tis time n i was trying to come up w one or tink we can go somewhere else... but it's like ppl kept rushing n thgs... n i dun like it...
i realli hate to do sth other ppl pressure mi to do...

mayb that's why i dun like peer pressure...
for mi... sometime i might even do the opp or at least wont do it at all.. if someone pressure mi...

n no matter how many times i say i dun want to celebrate it due to unforseenable circumstances... to others they are juz excuses n they brush it off n said wont happen one juz come up w a plan lah...

n when i told my mum... my mum actually juz told mi to tell everi1 i'm sick... since the possibilty is quite high but TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!!

i m worried enough n ppl juz said wont happen n ask mi to do thgs...
it's like my opinion dun matter... then wad for u ask mi?
they say juz postponed it...

hello! i m worried enough n dare not even dare to tink of tmr... n here u are saying i m chicken little n pressure mi to quickly decide sth? if u tink that bday is special... then y kept pressuring?
then y muz make mi stop doing sth that impt...
yes i finally get in the mood n understand the readings n left half a page... but now nid to start over cause i dunno wad the front says... n it takes mi an extra 2 hr when i can finish it in less than 15 min if i stayed in that mood...
n then got angry because havnt discussed sth that i dun planned to... ok mayb i shd planned to discuss but i tok that that day stuy is the reason i came out... if i noe nid to discuss sth... i might try to read some earlier...
i dunno... but wad's past is had passed...

n i admit i said a lot of irresponsible thgs...
but i m pissed off n frustrated...
i tok i could escape frm it instead i got in deeper...

aniway i tok i shd try sth new...
but now no mood to celebrate...
n tink feel pathetic to celebrate...
cause it sparked off my trouble for mi...

mayb i m a weird person?
the more ppl rush mi to do sth...
the more i will hate it...
that's why i hate grp projects...
cause ppl always rush each other to finish sth...
i cant like it...
it made mi feel like i cant do anithg i like n doesnt giv mi time to tink...
n if i hate it... i wont do it...

mayb i m stubborn...
but that's no way i wanted to do sth i dun like esp for sth like my bday...
rite now... i realli hate celebrating it...
i appreciate the effort all of u put in to plan...
but it's juz not the way i like it..
n i dunno if i want to go... seriously... i was hoping for sth special n relaxing...
mayb even decide wad to do on the spot or sth...
but sth that kept niding to do tis n that...
it's like becoming to be a duty not a relaxing thg...

daily journals on hiatus!!!
wont update abt my life soon i tink....

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