Sunday, March 30, 2008


so long since i updated...
so many thgs to do...
decided to take a short break n blog...
2 more days till 2 wks is up...
n it is a nightmare trying to study n catch up...
esp for einstein's universe...
dun understand anithg to begin w...
n i m missing 2 tutorials due to chicken pox...
plus 4 lect n one lect i missed the week b4 due to stomach cramps...
n there's oni i tink abt 10 or 11 lect for that modules tis term for the exam n i missed 5 of them...

sending emails everiwhere...
grp projects... n presentations...
missed a presentation, 6 tutorials... one for each module n 2 for einstein...
sending term paper n report to prof thru emails...
cause i cant go out n scared i spread germs ard...
how to catch up? i dunno?
still intending to pull my cap up but haiz...
not oni that so stressful...
good thing that my headaches n fever stopped...
n the itch... but i tink some might scar... esp one on my face...

realized sth impt...
muz always take note of my health n my temp...
i could be having a high fever of above 39 degees n i din noe...
haiz... mayb shd take better care of myself...
no more skipping of meals i tink...
juz a short update...
i still want to take pics of my new bag n clothes...
buy muz wait... cause scared of the germs...

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