Friday, November 03, 2006

blogs.... n life....

hey! long time a few days since i last update....
haiz life is so busy nowadays....

well.... yesterday have this ps mid term test....
tink i did badly even though w so much studies...
i mean i spent so many hrs studying abt marxism n yet i still dunno how to write the main features of capitialism? i tink i veri stupid! get oni 2 out of 4 pts!
aniway... i still veri happy after the test.... so i ate jap food which is x.... n also potato salad....
remind mi nvr to eat such thg again!!! i waste two dollars... T_T

aniway today went to jurong west lib at boon lay!!! so happy! they got comics there! even shaman king n prince of tennis!!! but i oni stay for a while.
went there actually to look for a seris of bks! the series are gd!!! so funny!
anione wan the name leave mi a tag!!! n i tink wenya had enough of mi saying abt the bk... i hav been on it for few days n i oni read abt 2 of the bks in the series.....

oh! i want to say tis! we have a lecture of chinese lect on wrds used online!!! so interesting.... i invent a lot.... here's a few i invent! i might be using them frequently....
1. 5hx that means 不好笑
2. 54l that means 我死了
3. 口合 x3 that means ha ha ha....

ok sorrie i lame lah.... joanne kept making mi angry with her comments.... ok mayb that is teasing......but... i dun want to sit beside her nxt lect if it is also abt these thgs... 555.... T_T

n now for the serious part....
ok.... i want to talk abt a comment or tag...posted on my sis's blog....
there is insult... ok mayb not really but i feel that it is.... mayb we call it a tag.... since as a social worker or a chinese teacher or wadever occ i want to be i muz be objective... not subjective....

ok... back to the topic... the "tag" is telling my sis that the blog is not supposed to be pics but wds.... n asking her to get a life! i mean pls lah.... it is her blog leh. she can do wad she want lah....
why muz say such thgs.... if u dun like can dun visit....
n one thg i want to stress is that a blog can of anithg.... online diary or even for stories.... u can do wad u like.... who says a blog muz have a lot of wds? n picture speaks a thousand wds!
n if u really dun like juz dun go lah! dun leave thgs like that! pls be respectful.... u might not like doesnt mean that u are the majority!

aniway.... really u have to respect others! that is the most basis thgs in life.... u have to be respect other ppl's wds even if u dun like rite? u wont like it if ppl critize ur works rite? so respect others and u will gain thgs too ok?

ok.... m i too fierce? sorrie i got a bit carried away.... but i realli dun like ppl who disrespect others.... i mean everyone put in effort into their blogs.... pls respect tis effort can?
n i din mean to offend anione... but i realli hope that ppl can show respect to others? after all.... everyone likes to feel respected or appreciated? At least i am one... :p... ok maybe some ppl.... but hey who dun like to feel respected or appreciated? aniway.... if u dun like n dun want to lie n says..."yes, it is veri nice!" then can juz leave quietly? that is being respectful.... ay least in my opinion.... ok.... i m sorrie for boring everyone w tis but i juz feel tt i have to bring tis up....

on a happier note.... n b4 tt i realli nid to say juz dun feel offended or anithg but that is realli wad i feel.... ok back again... hey i muz say... i want to find a job during the hols! anione got ideas? i might b giving tuition but not realli confirmed but the $ might not be high.... cause juz for experience..... n i want to find a job for the hols.... where shd i go to find one? ani ideas?

aniway.... hey felica n peikiat! missed u all! i noe cricket having exams on 15th so does angelina....
mine is near the end of nov so also coming..... 54x!!!! help!!!!
ok.... mayb not a gd ending... but i still got bad news i might not have time to type up the nxt chap on the zhui xing story.... hey wad exactly is the title? hey i tok zhui xing is supposed to decide on one? muz tell mi the tittle ok?....
well.... that's all gd luck to those having exams!!! gan batte! jia you!!!

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