Monday, November 13, 2006

hey... so tired... friends....sorrie....

hey... not feeling well at all these days....
haiz that time of e mth... i wasted a wkend n 2day... too tired to study...
to write.. or even to read.... was chatting w cricket yesterday
n i realized it's been a long time since i kept contact w all the others i din c everidae...
i even miz a zhui xing outing due to probs... haiz y like tt?
n it's so difficult to keep in contact w everi1 esp when i m sick n busy...

exams re coming.... i have hundreds of pgs not read for one subject n i have 5!
then i was so tired n could not concentrate...
in the end i ended up reading prince of tennis....

ok.... enough of all these....
i wanted to tell felicia this.... we did not forget abt u my dear....
it's juz so busy n tiring for all of us.... n i feel so stressed these days...
i m realli veri sorrie if u fel tt i have neglected ur friendship....
i m realli sorrie.... realli i mean it frm the bottom of my heart....
it's juz so tiring n i hav been sick... got high fever n all those stuff n w exams coming...
mayb u feel tt these re excuses.... but i hope u can understand...
i do treasure our friendship.... n pls realli pls treasure ur family....
there is always a time when u will feel veri upset abt ur siblings or parents...
i realli do... ok.... mayb i m not a gd person to advise u abt family...
i mean more than half the time i m agruing screaming or shouting at everi1 including my parents.... but there is always tis feeling of gulit n upset in my mind or heart... i dunno...

there re always times when i dun want to go home.... even in pri sch...
i felt neglected n try to keep myself busy in sch... so tt i can delay e time to go home....
but then there was a feeling that u have to go home....
no matter how upset or angry there is always tis feelings to go home....
blood is thicker than water no matter how much one denys it....
the sense of belonging is impt u noe...
when one day a simple act or a small matter happens... u will juz b glad u re home....

ok... mayb u re angry w mi for saying all tt... n i m realli sorrie if i offend u or sth...
but i want to stress i m sure none of us ignored u purposely ok?
it's juz circumstances... i noe these re all excuses but if u hav a prob giv mi a ring ok?
not my hp lah... i no $ i mean my hse.... or juz a msg....
cheer up felicia!a big smile brightens up e day....
n pls dun b angry w mi ok?.....

when u feel tt everything is gone.... look inside u and u noe u re not alone....
pls cheer up... depressed thoughts... throw them away.... they re not gd for health ok...
n ur story continue them hor! i hate it when ppl discontinued their stories esp when i liked to noe wad happens nxt! jia you ok?

n ppl! exams coming! cricket's on wed n xiaomei's on 17.... muz jia you! dun too stressed ok?
n the rest.... i noe sala is panicking alr.... mi 2! everi1 muz not be too stressed n study hor! study hard play hard....

ok... i better go study now! 555~~~ i hate studying!!! why so difficult the topics?.... esp cl i realli have no idea wad it is abt.... 555~~~ jiu min lah!!!!

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