Wednesday, November 08, 2006


hey i juz read the news!!!
so the rumors re not true after all!!!!
the baby was nvr found!!!!! so see ppl are not tt crazy after all....

it was said tt a couple was quarreling w a baby crying n then the rubbish bin opened loudly....
n there was a loud crash n baby crying....
so ppl called the police n there was a search that lasted for 3hrs....
but nothing found.... not even the couple....
a bit strange? but at least no one threw the baby girl although the baby or her parents were not found..... hey ppl heard the commotion but nothing found... weird....

aniway.... my second sis come back w news that her friends witnessed someone commit sucide....
she said they called the police n it was somewhere on the way frm sch to mrt.... well....i dun realli want to know.....

n ppl... Kyoh Kara Maoh veri nice!!!!!!! realli! have mi laughing on the train....
yes... i did get weird looks.... but it was realli funny!!!! muz read or watch.....
aniway... got ch tut n got back essay.... i got a b.... gd or bad? i dunno juz glad tt i did not fail....
i did all of that within a few days.... whose faults? mine own cause i kept delaying that....
well at least i passed!!! haiz exam coming.....

shd i go for fri zhui xing meeting?
i m tired n got charmed n smallville n goong....
tv veri tempting.....
umm... how?......

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