Monday, November 06, 2006

television T_T

hey! my hse's television spoiled yesterday!!! got sound no screen! so sad!!!
then my dad went to giantr to buy a new one at ard $179 i tink but not sure of the exact price....
aniway.... it is smaller but still can watch.... luckily!!!

aniway... i have a qns.... why does my hse tv always spoli during the hols?....
my relatives juz lend us a lot of vcds... n even anime ones....
then the tv spoiled... my mum says because we watched too much tv....
not mi actually... exams coming!!! 54l!!!! i am panicking now when there are still 2 wks?...
n i din even started reading the notes!!!! i spent all my wkend reading the set of storybks!!!
oh, i finally found the name of the series online... it is Kyoh Kara Maoh or otherwise kyoh kara Maou.... n the websites w the pics are beautiful!!! use google search to find out more!!!

okay, there was this part of the bk i have just read minutes ago that was veri funny but it also reminded mi of my relatns with my dad....

the main character... youli... was recalling the time he had learnt to ride the bike....
he made his father promise not to let go while he cycled... so off he went....
n he thought he realli learn to cycle already as he drove faster n faster....
so he was veri excited but then he turned and saw his father still holding the bike, panting and running at his top speed while saying...."see?... i... keep the... promise..."
then the little boy, yes the main character who made a promise w his dad, juz thought you are actually supposed to let go so i can learn to cycle....

tis led mi to think abt the relatn w my dad....
i am not a gd daughter... i know tt....
but then... it feels so difficult to b one u noe....

i rmb once.... more than a yr ago when i 4got to bring ezlink card to sch n i was late n having a mon test tt morning.... i panicked... called home n my dad rushed to bring it to mi....
i could see he ran the way to the mrt station... he was panting...
n then i suddenly realized.... my dad had become older.... he had some grey hairs that i did not noticed for sometime.... is it my fault?
everitime he tried to talk to mi, i will be impatient or argued w him....
juz yesterday he asked mi how was uni... n i juz said..." like that lah..." then i ignored him....
i m realli bad daughter.... it's hard to change.... i have tried but it always turned out to be so diff frm wad i expect... but then.... i know i have to try....

well, here's a poem i write....

running against the wind
trying to break the ties that bind
there is something i have to find
something that i really mind.

for days
i have searched
different ways
i have tried
but then i still can't find that ray
to guide mi to it

then i looked back
i went back to see what i had left behind
i was stunned, stood like a stone
it was then i realized i had been alone
things had changed
people were gone
the one zone i had knew so well
i had left it crumbling to none....

just then i also realized what "it" was
but then it was just too late....

sorrie i a bit the .... u noe.... n i tink i a bit too depressed? i dunno... juz get it out of my system.... hey now nid to go back to the storybk i m reading..... haiz exams coming mountains of reading to be done.... sorrie 4 complaining abt the same thing over n over again.....
but then exams realli coming leh!!!

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