Saturday, January 17, 2009


sch reopened...
my whole week so blur...
the first day was the worst...
but the rest of the week...
i m still so blur...

forgot to bring my readings...

the readings printed frm the sch printed cannot be seen cause no toner left n uncle out for lunch... but later go back after lect n asked for refund cause i printed more than 20 pgs... so more than a dollar... plus there are all e-reserves.. but luckily i got saved a copy in my thunbdrive n the ones i din... muz thank joanne cause she emailed mi! thanks!

then i even photocopied the wrong pgs... waste ard 15 pgs b4 i realized i saw the pg no worngly... my $!!!

haiz... then kept writing the wrong code n cant find the bks...

ok... but i saw a lot of old friends... haha...
like joanne... last few sem dn c her at all... tis sem even c her in the com lab :p

but then still din get to mit si jia even though we sms to mit...

nxt wk had to get better...

the modules i m taking tis sem... my last sem... YES!

1. ch 3226 modern literature
muz read so many stories n lecturer will ask n cal names during lect to answer qns... more like wad do u tink...

2. contemporary china...
also kept asking qns.... haiz... i die le... n the readings are so much n still got internet research...

3. chines grammar...
the term paper is difficult... how m i gg to find the audio thgs n transcripted into words... i m so bad at listening...

4. it1003 information system applications...
nvr take it b4 so i tink try one... though not sure if it's boring...

5. hy2254 popular culture in singapore

i like this one the lecturers are funny n entertaining... n the project are interesting though there are a lot of work n preparations as tis is a no exams module... so many reponse paper ivle discussions...
so the workload for tis sem is so heavy... but i decided to concentrate on my studies tis sem...

aniway.. cny coming!!! everione jia you!

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