Thursday, January 08, 2009

finally!!! mit w eleanor!!!

so excited yesterday!
finslly met with eleanor!
so long since we last saw each other...
i tink it was in j1 or j2?
haha now alr preparing for graduation in uni...

aniway... i was late...
gomen nasai... well... nid to check up on the bidding...
haiz so competitive... then again... last sem le... dunno why i m saving up pts... tink shd juz throw them all in... haha... but mayb at close bidding?

aniway... we met at bugis in the end... after she walked frm city hall to raffles place to bugis...
then we walked ard looking for my sis's present...
n decided to go to bras basah...
where i bought lots of books AGAIN...
juz bought some on last sat :p...

then have dinner at i tink is seafood harvest... student meal...

n i have baked rice yeah!... but i forgot to take pics...
then we took some pics...
eleanor! so long din c her le...

she gave me tis realli beautiful dolphins!!!
i love it! thanks a lot! domo arigatou gozaimasu!!!

then we try "zipai" again... haiz nid to improve my skills...

then we bought a purse for my sis... n continue to walk frm bugis to ps to cineleisure then 2 centerpt n finally to taka n then home...

n the dolphins!!! haha so nice of her to rmb i love dolphins!!! thanks a lot!

ok... a snapshots of the books i bought at bras barsah...
union bkshop having special offer...some of the bks buy one get one free... n some of them at low prices...
ok... this is my sis's...
she oni bought tis... $3 but buy one get one free...
this n below are also buy one get one free... n also $3
i got the first bk... n this is the 3rd book... can't find the second one...
then angel myth...
i read the comic b4 realli nice... though i skip a few chapters here n there as they are in magazines...
bk 2 n 3... i read bk 1 b4 le... in the lib...
then at popular i bought this bk at $5...
but in the end... this is the wrong one... cause...
i m supposed to be looking for crocheting... haiz... but can also learn... when i'm free...
then yesterday... bought more books frm teh same 2 bkstores:p...
i bought the 2 bks frm the same series...
also $3 n buy one get one free...
then this book that is $1...
then at popular, i bought these 3 at 3 for $9.90
i tink this bk is useful 4 mi...

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