Thursday, January 29, 2009

cny 09 - chalet cum my hse

ok... mina-san!
Happy Chinese new year!!!
Happy Chinese new year!!!

on sat,
went to chalet @ downtown east...

haha... 2nd time bbq that i went n din help but eat :p
i veri bad...
both my sis n cousins went to catch a movie at 1.30am but i too lazy n cold so decided to stay in the room watching dunno wad show... i fell asleep a bit...but i slept for 1/2 hr then wake up then sleep another half hr then wake up again so overall oni slept for 1 or 2 hr...

then sun morning (chu xi) i went home with mum...
while the rest of them continue to stay there... or rather they went to kbox... i also so long din go kbox le... almost a yr din sing le... missing it~ haha...

aniway i nid to check up ivle forum discussion that's dunno how many per cent i tink 10% for mi this wk as i m the grp leader... so went home... reply some qns then post MORE qns... yeah i m veri bad... after that took a 3hr nap n do some cleaning n stuff b4 we went down to ahma's hse for reunion dinner...

n i love the steamboat... teh prawns dumplings!!! my fav...

after that, sis they all went back to chalet while i went home... do more discussion on the forum... surf teh net until 3am b4 sleeping a bit... then wake up early on chu yi...

chu yi... my sis they all came home... n sleep till they come while i helped out a bit n continue on my laptop... I LOVE RI KOUYUU... haha reading saiunkoku during cny...

then all of them came n after dinner started mahjong... haiz i lose $4.20 then win $3.80 then lose $1.60... n so on... we played till 5 am then slept n woke up again n continued till ard 3pm... my cousin went to pick up her girlfriend... n we postponed gg to my paternal side to sun...i working that day i tink... nid to catch up on my readings b4 then...

in the end... so tired on i m sick again... stomach decided to go to fri lect instead for it1003...

n today (thur)... i din slept at all on wed nite... spent the night in toilet again haiz... took some medicine then went for it tut n modern lit today....

wow now gg to sleep le... so tired... taihen desu ne...

but neverthe less, it's unforgetable...

btw... i gt into arguments w my sis... AAAH! sometimes dunno wad she's tinking... n juz a 2yr gap so dun tink it's generation gap :p

aniway... some pics... i din take ani pics at home...

n while playing mahjong, my cousin couldn't stop listening to this song...

so it's been on my mind these days... scary desu ne...

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