Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a simple sentence...

dunno why but realize that i am getting more and more observant of simple sentences...
maybe it's cause of the books i m reading...

but i realli impacted on me how a simple sentence can hurt someone...
in kareshi kanojo no jijou...
one of the characters, arima soji (arima's adopted father) said that he told reiji (arima's birth father) that he's not as perfect as him...
though reiji had heard a lot of time frm others but from his brother... the only one who cares abt him... it hurt him...
but soji said that... it's not juz the words... but it's the words combined with the actions he was doing.. he felt himself distancing from reiji...
and because of that things changed dramatically...
if oni he did not said that...
but the truth was the one sentence combined with actions really hurt reiji...

a simple sentence can really hurt someone if you are not careful...
i hate u frm an enemy it's not as hurt ful than frm someone u care abt...

i uploaded chap 9 of peace knights recently...
and i hate you was used quite frequently...
i was writing how the boy's last words to his sis was i hate you out of spite even though he promised his sister he will not used these words carelessly...
and after that the girl died...

but it's juz a story... but how will u feel if that really happened?
especially after a fight?
will you regret it if your last words to someone you really care is i hate you?
what if there's the last time you talked to someone you realli care about?

simple sentences like go away, shut up...
all these simple sentences can hurt someone unintentionally...
but we say them all the time...
though usually we only say these to either someone you hate or someone you care cause you noe they dun care...
but wad if they care?

simple sentences like i miss you, welcome home, i'm home,
or a simple hello...
for different ppl with different actions holds different meanings...

for someone you care a lot to say i'm home after some time...
can bring happiness to your heart...
someone to say i miss you lets you noe that someone in this world actually cares abt you...

simple sentences can bring joy as well as hurt into one's heart...

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