Sunday, January 13, 2008

sch starting... n i m sick...

haiz... ok... start w the bad news i tink...
sch's starting...
n i m sick...
yes... due to the 1st day again...
i m stuck in the toilet for the better part of today...
dun understand why i kept having stomache...
mayb i shd go to see a doc...
tmr's sch's start n i got 3 lect!!!
1st lect cant miz them...
tues got 2 lect... one at 8am to 10am... so early... n the other one is at 4pm -6pm!!!
i got 6hr!!! mayb i use that time to see a doc... wonder if there was a polyclinic nearby or shd i juz go to the yih's clinic? i dunno...
mayb i din even want to go see a doc... haiz...
at least i got wed free n thur one science lect...
tmr also nid to ballot for one of my tutorial...
aniway... last fri...
went to yundan's hse for bbq!!!
din take ani pics tis time cause it's too dark...
but had a gd time!!! mit yundan's sis n bro...
n i din do anithg... i juz sit n eat...
thxs to deming n lin jing... guess they are the busiest ppl that day n not to forget yundan's bro...
they were great!
realli have fun... though i wonder abt the trick to yundan's sis's game (i tink her name wei feng... not sure if it's spelled like that)
aniway... went home early w rong luan n li ling...
oh b4 that...
during fri morning... i went to causeway pt...
n i bought a bag!!! i lazy to take a pic... but mayb nxt entry...
$29.90 offer $15.90 n it's big enough to put my laptop in... heehee...
mayb bring it to sch tmr... haha...
n i made a small gift for lin jing... since it is her bday...
yundan told mi no nid to buy a gift n i realli dunno wad to buy for her...
so made a keychain which i chained w a hp strap...
hope it is not too ugly...
aniway... i reached home at almost midnite that day...
so tired... n i din get to sleep till ard 2am or it is 2.30am? i wanted to finish up d.grey ma 11 b4 i slept...
but on sat... i got tuition at grandma's hse at 10am meaning i nid to be out of hse at ard 8.45am?...
n i oni woke up at 8.06am... 555~ tis is the 2nd session n last wk i also late...
luckily... my grandma always says dun rush...
i got there ard 10.07am in the end...
as i was rushing to the mrt...
yes... i could barely kept my eyes open while walking...
so put realli loud music in my ears...
oh yeah i woke up w my water in my ears... cant listen properly...
then i got stuck at the traffic lights cause the traffic lights are all not working at the junction...
i was waiting n waiting to cross since there were a lot of cars...
aniway... when i finally reached smb mrt... i was so late n tired....
n yet... i met a friend frm smb sec...
he's also frm yj but so long din see him le...
but due to the fact that i was late n tired n i din even rmb wad i said to him...
so i hope that no one was offended if i was rushed n distracted when u are talking to mi...
realli sorrie to everione whom i had done that to...
gomen nasai!!!
reallli... as pisceans are always lost in their own world...
so sorrie...
aniway... i had tuition n lunch at my grandma's place... i stayed there till ard 2pm...
i felt realli embarrassed lor! whenever my grandma asked sth... i had to "huh?" for a few times b4 i got it... cause i could oni listen frm one ear...
then i went to orchard popular since they were having 20% discount storewide...
but din find anithg i want!!! waste time n money....
then on the train... it started raining heavily... n i decided to take the train to woodlands then go interchange take 962 home so i dun nid an umbrella...
yes... i did buy concession...
i met my sis who was studying at woodlands lib...
i had alr bought some food n wanted to go home le...
but she wanted to look for a pair of shoes... yes she's doing admin work during wkdays and assistant teacher during weekends... n she's wearing a pair of trackshoes everiday...
she also wanted to go shop for my mum's bday which is tmr...
but i wanted to go home le...
tired n i started feeling stomach cramps...
aniway i shopped w her for abt 1 hr b4 we went home...
it was a realli tiring day.... haiz.... luckily i tink my ears are ok now... can hear properly...
but i got stomache instead... haiz....

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