Tuesday, January 08, 2008

new year day 08... orchard...

ok... now for the new year post...
on 1st jan 08...
met zhui xing to shop at orchard...
then dear wenya was late due to the fact that she slept late n could not wake up time...
n xianhao had to sms her...
while waiting... we had our lunch at peper lunch...
yes i ate my fav... w lots of cheese...
after that... wenya came n we went to Heeren to shop...
n i was trying my best to rmb the buildings i saw...
sadly to say... i oni now quite a few...
ok.. at Heeren...
xinying saw tis nice jacket thg...
she liked it a lot... $15...
i tink it was ok... but xianhao said auntie n wenya thinks not worth it...
i saw a bag $24.90... that was having 20% discount n cost $19.90...
it was big enough n not as expensive... since most of wad i had seen was almost $40...
but then i tok for a long time n decided that i shd looked for shoes 1st...
yes... mina-san... i needed shoes again...
aniway we took some pics...
then we went to taka... since wenya wanted to go to kinokuniya...
tried to find comic but sold out...
on the way to taka... i took some candid...
n realized everi1 kept looking at their hp except for wenya... haha...
then finally... the rest of them went to the bus stop while i walked to the mrt alone...
n go popular to find that comic n realized that...
orchard popular had a lot of assessments... shd have gone there to look for my sis's assessment lah...
n i bought a super glue... yes to fix my shoes... haiz... needed to buy a new pair le...
n most imptly... i realized that there were no chinese bks there... i walked for nearly half hr b4 i gave up...
aniway... most stupid thg i did...
i called my mum on the train to see wad to buy for dinner...
n decided to go to the coffeeshop that was on my way home...
but i forgot!!!!!!
i walked until the lift n realized ... where was my dinner?...
n walked all the way back... to buy then went home...
by the time, i reached home, my dad n my 2 sis reached home oni 5 min after mi... with food frm my grandma's hse...
haiz... i m so stupid...
aniway... had a fun new year day...
nxt... to update on vivo trip...

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