Monday, January 07, 2008

christmas trip... 25 dec 07

ok... i knew tis was a super late entry... gomen...
aniway on 25th dec 07...
tis was how my table looked like as i struggled to finish up the last preparation...

then offf to cck to meet zhui xing...
the train was delayed for ard 40min... yet i ended up the earliest there...
we went to pastamania...
n i ordered country baked pasta... nice! but preferred baked rice...
n i added a lot of cheese...
i muz say the service there was quite gd...
cause they gave xianhao the wrong dish n they were willing to change n veri polite!!!
gd service there!!!
aniway wenya- san was playing w my hp camera since she complained she din had a camera though her hp had one... :p
after pastamania... we walked ard then went to ntuc to buy tidbits to bring to xianhao's hse...
n thru the way.... xinying n i were discussing if we needed to buy anithg to bring to xianhao's hse since we were guests...
n i still couldnt believe how difficult it was to find a bottle of drink that we could share...
all of us had different tastes...
n in the end we decided on 1.5 l of lemon tea... took us almost half an hr to decide on a drink ... haiz...
ok... we compared the plastic bags we each brought to see whose is bigger...
orange colured is mine n it is the biggest but with i took out the presents ... mine (minitoon plastic bag) is the smallest...
we watched high school musical 2... love the songs!
n mr bean on holiday... realli funny but some parts i tink a bit of morbid humour...'[
then we exchanged presents n it's time for zhui xing awards' ceremony 07...
it was done by a survey i conducted... so organiser... mi...
biggest winner... xianhao...
then photo taking session...
i m still learning how to use my hp to take pics of myself...
n then i realized we could use one of the speakers to place our hp n took pics...

after that ard 7 pm or 8pm... we went to lot one food court for dinner...
n they took 2 candid pics of mi... haiz...
then the leo sisters posed opp mi...

looking up... hey! there's an ufo yp in the ceiling?
ok... let's close our eyes n imagine we are in a spaceship...
sorrie i add that myself... :p

n finally on the way to mrt...
they wanted to take pics w the posters...
n a lot of ppl looking at them... haha...

ok... nxt up is new year's day!!!

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