Sunday, January 06, 2008

midnite argument...

as i weekly said...
i had a great time on sat... it was fun...
but as soon as the clock striked 12am...
the nxt day thgs took a major downturn...
aniway.... when my sis came home... after bbq...
it started... n lasted till almost 3am i tink...
it had to do w the fact that she was trying to go for a course while having two jobs... one full time n one part time...
she wanted to go for another course once the current one ended...
but we told her that since it crashed w the part time job... she shd not go...
n she was veri stubborn abt it n did not see why she shd not go...
n she did not even told the boss b4 hand abt her inability to help out at those times...
yet she did not see the need...
aniway... in the morning she had to tell the boss n my parents wanted her to noe what she was doing n told her y it was wrong n stuff...
but she was too stubborn...
aniway i was veri tired n did not realli comprehend the situation...
n my mum had to wake up at 5 or 6 am in the morning...
n tis is so not helping the situation...
wad's worse was that my dad was sleeping n had to wake up n tried to explain to her...
my sis herself had to go to work at 9 am the nxt day as well...
ok... all the drama...
n guess wad?!!!
i woke up tis morning n decided to help her check the times of the course she wanted to take
it did not crash w her job at all!!!
so the commotion was for NOTHING!!!
omg!!! yes wenya i use ur long neglected phrase....
aniway... i nid to post everithg... frm christmas outing to new year outing n the recent vivo city outing... i noe i said i will for a long time le....
doing it now...
n by the way today's my sis's bday!!!
she's unlucky u noe...
when the commotion started last nite at somewhere after 12 midnight... it was alr supposed to be her 19th bday...
but ended up arguing w my parents n well... mi... :p i tried to put my 2-cents in as usual...
aniway... mayb there's sth wrong w 19th year old's bday?
i rmb spending my 19th bday or is it my 18th bday?
anway... i rmb spent it in tears... n had to ask for my friends' support...
thanks a lot,ppl who helped mi thru that time...
juz wanting to say... n not that my sis is looking at my blog... ok mayb she is... she used to at least...
wad we said might be difficult for u... but it's all for ur own grp...
we are family... n we are all oni trying to help not trying to stop u frm doing wad u like...
but reality is harsh... u had to bear responsibilty for wad u do... not escaping frm it...
n thgs are not as simple... esp in society... u cant be so self centered n tink of everithg in ur pov...
we are trying to help but u might not like it...
but i want u to know... dun giv up... it may be tough now... but soon it would b ok...
n finally... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
ok.... enough w tis mushy stuff...
i m gg to type my outings post....

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