Sunday, October 22, 2006

some quotes

well... i have been veri bad today!!!!
i still havent type my sw....
i wanted to finish at least the first part today....
but i got distracted... i wasted the whole day....
i m so stupid n lazy....

aniway ....
i want to write some thoughts abt the shows i watched today...

first is nanoru the magic girl... i tink tt's the name... i like the drawing but not realli the plot
there is this part where the girl fate was telling herself to abandon her past n start over in the future.... she told herself tt she has friends tt would be willing to accompany her... n tell herself not to cry no matter wad... she's so strong...
juz earlier b4 tis scene...she realized tt though she tried hard to fight for her mother, she was a
clone her mother made n tt her mother nvr even like her... she was so sad.... then she told herself to be strong....

second show is sayuki reload gunlock....
i tink this is the end of a season? aniway... the bad guy died... it was so sad.... he hated the monsters so badly yet he found out tt he himself was a monster... worse still he was the one who killed his own master... the master he was avenging for so many yrs when the murderer was himself.... he asked sanzo, "why? why was everything I had done so meaningless? why?"
but sanzo juz said, "there was nothing meaningless in anithg a person does. there was nvr ani1 in the world that exist without ani meaning. the existence of a person and the things he does will nvr ever be meaningless.".... n the guy died, smiling....

the third show i realli nid to comment was full hse...
the show was funny no doubt but the two main characters was so... slow or proud? i dunno how to describe them... they obviously like each other but refused to say anithg n kept quarreling....
i like the part where Rain was trying to find the contract n the fact tt he kept smiling after they extended the contract.... it showed how much he liked the girl n wanted to be w her... but he refused to say it out....
aniway... i tok the quote that shd be rmb is to follow ur emotions....
one of the slogans in gundam wing said to Heero by Odin....
well... guess they shd juz follow their emotions n stop beating ard the bush n juz tell the other their feeling.... full has is quite nice n i m at abt the 11 disc... i oni listen to the show most of the time.... n i din do sw!!!!

help! *panicking paincking painicking....*
*giv mi a min*
*paincking panicking panicking*
*ok mayb done*
aniway i tink better get back to doing sw....

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