Saturday, October 21, 2006

the protecting angel

why is it so hard to protect sth ?
is it because it is sth impt?
is it because it is sth u realli want to do?

i was reading this story....
it was abt a boy who lived in order to take suffering so others wont...
he tried to die but stopped when he realized that he have to b the one taking all tis so others would not...
why?why?why? juz because he felt that he had to....

it's so sad to do so....
today i watched full metal alchemist... it's funny yet sad...
the colonel roy mustang i tink that is his name... w his unit were chasing after the elric brothers
he was not chasing them cause the furher commanded him to....
he said once during the war he had followed orders blindly resulting in the deaths of two good doc... winny's parents... since then he vowed to reach the position that he would nvr nid to do so ever again....
now he was juz angry tt the elric brothers nvr tok to seek his help....

somehow tis makes mi feel that he is protecting the two brothers....
mayb he was like momoji in fruitbasket? looking after his sister in silence.... looking at her from afar but nvr letting her know....
or like millardo peacecraft in gundam wing.... looking after relena...

sometimes it's juz hurts so much to protect sth...
no really a person or a thing... it can b juz a belief....
i believe in lots of thgs but most of the time... not many worth it....

haiz i m getting no where w my social work essay... n i m getting sadder as i read the stories....

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