Thursday, December 27, 2007

exams result

my results veri bad...
n the worst thing is tat i got a c+ for my basic translation module!!!
mayb i m bad at translatn...
n the rest of the subjects are all b-...
this is the worst result....
my cap is oni 3.17...
last sem it was 3.2...
i muz realli work harder tis sem...
no more slcking n last min work...
mayb i shd learn frm xinying n wenya n study w them every sat?...

Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas kado... frm sijia...

haha... an hr b4 christams...
and i want to thank Si jia for mailing mi tis wonderful christmas card!!!
thank you!
though i dunno if u will be looking at this blog....
but merry christmas!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

things i buy during dec...

ok... bought a lot of thgs in dec...
1stly on 6 dec... the chocolate log cakes @ $0.99 each!... nice? haha...
ok the 4 dectective conan movies vcds... @$3 each....
veri nice! n i had been wanting to buy them for a long time!
sugoi desu ne!
a 20 year old case.... and kudo shinichi aka conan edogawa verus kaitou kid!
Haibara Ai is discovered?! into the black organisation! and Kaido's skywalk...
these two are not movies but rather like episodes of the anime...
ok... comics connection got a sale... 20% off chuangyi's books...
n during that month.... i bought 7 comics...
one or two at a time...
actually one is for my sis's bday... but she let mi read 1st... haha...
i bought d.grey man volume 3 to 8...
i love the story!!!

not only that.. i finally bought fruit basket last volume 23!
juz finished reading! the story was great!!!
n i still love momoji!!! though he oni came out for less than 2 pgs...
ok... for my sis's bday on 6 jan...
i alr bought her gift since everywhere's having a sale... :p
i bought tis wallet @$10 w my little sis...

my mum decided that my spects are really childish...
n my dad felt that my spects are in pieces...
i din even rmb that my spects are supposed to be blue not silver... haha...
n i kept dropping when i was wearing them...
so went to clementi... to my dad's friend's shop to make another pair...
i took nearly 2 hrs to choose one i like... n choose x one too... haha...
but i realli like tis one though i din wear one like that b4...
tis is a realli different one i wear...
hopefully it's ok... but i like it...
mayb more when i m not wearing it? haha... juz kidding...

ok... i got 4 pairs of shoes...
n 2 are offically spoiled... one spoiled b4 i even wore it! haiz... shdnt buy it... that pair is $5 leh...
i want to wear it for wedding dinner yesterday n b4 i reached the lift... the strap broke...
now i had to find a way to fix it... n i realli dunno how... haiz...
the other are covered with yellow glue.... hope it sticks...
the other 2 pairs... one is breaking into pieces while the other one i m sharing w my little sis... who dun have other shoes as well... haiz... i need shoes!!! again!!!
aniway... i juz got my "gan ma" n my cousin's maid, yaya's christmas present! n i love them!!!
well... took pics... uploaded them later...
now working on a script to be posted on my chinese blog n zhui xing blog as well as compiling a zhui xing's survey... hmm... i m making an award ceremony... haha...
left oni tmr to finish since wenya juz emailed mi the survey ans....
muz work fast...
spent teh whole day watching ouran high school host club and tantei gakuen Q...
i realli love tantei gakuen Q... it's the one with real actors... it was great! the plot was different frm the manga... n it was realli thrilling and mysterious! love it!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


i watch 海豚湾恋人 (at dolphin bay) again today.
really like tis song...
esp the part where 易天边 sings tis song n she tok of her adopted mum...
how she wishes for the support of her mum...
it was touching...
the journey is long...
it reminds mi of my red cross knowledge POP's tittle... u can see the journey but not the destination...
the journey is always long... n support of friends n family will tide u thru...
tears may b shed... but move on... the journey needs to be continued...
tmr will be a brand new day... so walk on... it's a long long journey...

Journey by 张韶涵
曲:Corrinne May 词:Corrinne May

It's a long long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you

Many days I've spent drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
wondering how to make me strong
I know I will falter , I know I will cry
And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it feels no one understand
I don't even know why I do the things I do
when prides bulids me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down this walls and pull me through

Cause it's a long long journey
till I feel that I'm worth the price
You paid for me on calvary
beaneath those stormy skies
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feels like everthing is out to make me lose control

It's a long long journey
Till i find my way home to you






what do you all tink? n i update a short story at my chinese blog...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


ok... now nid to put the details 4 all my outings so far...
ok... 6 dec ... last paper... ch 2225 chinese lit of singapore n malaysia b4 1965...
wenya n i decided to go amk hub to shop 4 xmas present...
i oni bought xinying's present...

n when we got to ntuc... they got tis small log cake special offer... oni 4 that time i tink... an hpur or two oni...
aniway... chocolate fugde log cake w a snowman on top... a lot of different designs...
n $2.99 each ... offer oni $0.99 each... i bought 3 home for both my sis... syper delicious... i love it!!!

7 dec... yes the nxt day...
went to suntec city n followed by a bbq w yundan, rong luan ,de ming, li ling n lin jing...
super fun...
yundan, rong luan, de ming n i went to kbox at suntec then went to carrefour to buy things 4 bbq at yundan's place...
the place was veri beautiful...
rong luan's footsteps... artistic? heehee :p
some pics... i managed to catch a few candids... haha...

the fire that wont start...
n how come i m always the one starting n tending the fire?... haiz... spent the whole nite taking care of the fire... well... it got mi out of ythe zong ji mi ma... which i m veri bad at... but hey i found ppl worse than mi that nite... haha...
n the place was super messy when we started... it got better after we started cooking...

then on 13 dec... i took my little sis to causeway pt... to buy ah mei's bday present... since there was a sale gg on... then she finished her training n mit us at causeway...
n i wanted to rant!!!
my little sis said she wants 2 eat at foodcourt so we went up to 5th storey i tink...
then she kept walking n walking wout stopping at ani empty tables w mi yelling after her...
haiz... then after 10min, we finally found a seat... we shared w others...
wait for another 10 min for the ppl to clear the table...
n then she said... i want to eat long john silver...
aaah!!! then we went all the way to the 1st floor while i scolded her n said i was full alr because of anger...... n she juz laughed...
then i scolded her :"i m scolding u n u are laughing?!!!"
n she answered: "huh? how i know u are scolding mi?"
aaaah!!! i want to die le......
then we ate long john n see how messy the table was... haiz...
on 14 dec... i went to kbox @ amk......
i m almost tempted to complain!!!
realli!!! ok... mayb i m complain queen or drama queen but the service is really bad!
not sure i want to go there again...
seriously, we went to the place for a few times alr... n yet tis is the worst service i ever receieved!!!
1stly... we did not know how to use the mikes so we requested for help...
ok... we waited... 4 nearly 10 min n no one came!!! n we are juz opp the office!!!
ok nvr mind...
but the mikes were not gd... the sounds came on n off... n we nid to adjust sometimes...
ok nvr mind...
but wenya i tink 4gt to keep her water bottle n within a min or 2... the person came in n said no outside food allowed! i was like... u took more than 10 min to get here to fix our mike... n wasting our time to sing n a min or two to get here to say outside food not allowed?!!! ok mayb the person juz happened to walk by... so...
ok... nvr mind...
due to the fact that wenya is a vegetarian, we asked if we can change the bento to a drink...
i mean a bento is so much more expensive than the drink n the person said cannot rudely...
juz a "no. cannot." so wenya had to forgo the bento...
then another person came in n we asked again... he was better he said ok he try... but in the end still cannot... but at least he was more polite...
but then again... at other branches we are sometimes allowed to change...
n i realli tink kbox shd allow the change... so it was more friendly...
i tink it is unreasonable for a place that tries to attract customers to say... sorrie u cant eat then ur prob... or u come at another time like k student when oni drinks are provided...
personally, i tink it is bad business strategy n not to mention make ppl a bit resentful of the fact that such a big enterprise dun take such thgs into consideration...
i m not pting fingers here or making ani insults or anithg...
i m merely giving suggestions... n suggestions helps one to improve...
at least allow the change to drink... be more considerate to ppl who are unable to eat the food...
aniway... ok... i 4gt tis n we tink tis is sth they can improve on...
ok so nvr mind...
but that's not all... the food there is realli bad...
i was like taking the 1st bite was so surprised...
esp... the mushrooms... i din eat such cold n bitter mushrooms b4! i was like so happy that it was not a salad n is mushrooms n i love mushrooms n was so disappointed....
the chicken was so tough that i could hardly bite... n the rice was veri dry...
ok... mayb it was my palette that had a prob... but none of us could realli finished the food...
realli tink i will go for k student instead of k lunch...
n seriously i tink the food when i first visited kbox was still the best... much more delicious compared to the last few times i had been there...
i still rmb salmon w bones in it... nearly choked... n i still tink that the food there could been improved... i mean we went there to sing n the place was not that bright... how can u see the bones? i tink it was veri dangerous n frm then on... i refused to order fish... since that experience of the fish bone...
welll i had lots of complaints over that kbox trip n i m alr trying not list out all the thgs i want to complain... n seriously i realli hope that kbox could improve... esp at amk... casue it was realli a bad experience there... though it was much better for the few times i visited there b4...
well... tis was juz to get them out...
aniway... after that we went to marina square to help xianhao buy christmas present for his friends.... then we ate at Hans after wenya left for the bus stop...
poor wenya... she waited for nearly an hr b4 she went to take the mrt instead... the bus was super slow....
n i love Hans!!!
the food was great!
aniway xianhao was 1st to order n last to get it... then when his food was finally here... he was too engrossed in his hp then his food...
hmmm... the food looks delicious dun u tink? haha...

n on 15 dec... wenya n i went to the botanic garden w the bishan home residents...
it was fun n tiring... walking so many places... but it was beautiful there...
wenya n seng rong...
a few pics... i tink 1st is the swan lake n a fountain...

the orchids n a mini water fall...

more pics on the trip will be on my other blog yes at the link labelled pics... muz see!
well... chritmas outings soon... n mayb another post on wad i bought during the hols :p
i bought lots of thgs!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

friends 2...

well... back frm the toilet...
ok... juz received news that everithg is fine now!
so feeling happy now...
a bit afraid that i made thgs worse for them...
guess that was wad i got 4 trying to meddle into other ppl's affairs... :p
but ... i like to noe all my friends are happy...
aniway... i tink i m lucky that i did not choose to b a social worker...
i tink i m bad at resloving conflict n too emotionial for wad's is needed...
well... finished reading a few stories...
wad realli touched my heart abt the 48 chap long story is that a sense of belonging is impt.
it does not matter if u are binded by blood or not...
though family ties are impt as well...
the feelings, the care n the thgs u do for each other are wad matters most...
i juz argued w my mum in the morning...
i felt so upset... mayb it's my fault mayb it's not...
wad's upset mi is that i cant do wad other ppl could...
i wanted to go out n my mum will say it's a waste of my money...
i buy comics it's also a waste of my money...
all tis money shd be saved to pay for my sch fees...
but i realli hope to have some luxury in buying thgs i realli like...
these few days... she caught mi n my sis watching anime on the laptop n she's upset that we might spoiled the com... n she felt that it was a waste of time n money...
well... i argued of course... mayb i shdn't... it's juz that i wanted the freedom to relax?
i wanted to do thgs that other ppl could do...
but mayb because of our finicial status or sth...
i could not realli do wad others could...
ppl could go watch movies, go out shopping buy clothes, cds n all the thgs...
but i dun get to... now it's so much better w mi using my tuition pay...
i try to save as much as i could but sometimes it's so difficult to resist all those temptations...
most imptly... i noe the reason for mi feeling upset is that...
i wanted their approval of wadever i do...
i guess nothing is better than having ur family n friends' support in doing sth...
i tink it is the feeling that counts not the blood or sth...
but i m really glad to be in tis family... nbo matter how much i ranted...
aniway... feelings are wad most impt to mi...
n if everi1's happy...
it's even better... ^_^
now that everithg is fine i guess... i could only hope that i will not be stuck in the toilet again...
haiz mayb i shd take my mum's advice n see a doc... but then again... i lazy... :p
n outside they are painting the flats n the smell is realli making mi nausous...

friends? it's so tiring...

i forgot to do module preference exercise!!!
die le! luckily for ch modules not impt...
cause the bid pts are usually low...
but still felt so upset...
these few days kept being stuck in toilet...
not feeling well...
n then i could on sit there n day dream till the wave of pain passed...
was watching an anime on crunchyroll... saiunkoku monogatari...
veri nice n funny n veri well-drawn...
but oni watch a few episodes n my mum refused to let mi continue watching...
bought a lot of things...
chuangyi @ comics connection is having a 20% discount!
so i bought fruit basket 23 n d. grey man 3 n 4...
tuition stopped n pay for nov month muz wait till jan then can get... now bankrupt...
also bought christmas presents...
no $... muz start working...
aniway... i felt so tired...
was reading a fan fic... that is 48 chap long...that's super long for each chap as well... veri nicely written...
wanting to continue my stories but too tired...
aniway... i suddenly felt upset that i was always the last one to be informed of anithg...
sometimes... it's like i m not impt at all...
sense of belonging... how it impt is it? i tink it is veri veri impt...
but somehow i dun feel a sense of belonging animore...
2 of my friends are not getting along well...
n it's so tiring i guess... i tink i might make it worse? i dunno?
but thgs are so easily misinterpreted...
it is because of emotions? same words but diff feelings might lead to different meanings...
aniway my stomach hurts again... i wondered if i shd realli see a doctor?
but mayb not... i lazy...
well continue another day ...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

an brief summary...

okay... finally exams' over!!!
so juz a quick recap... since i had been lazy to blog for the past few weeks...

1st CH2121 24 Nov 2007 Morning @ temasek hall
tis paper was so difficult!!!
i din studied the last few lectures cause the lecturer did not go thru them in detail n most of the content was quite difficult to understand so i din tink it was difficult...
but more than half of the qns were frm those topics!!! 555~ did badly...

then CH2271 26 Nov 2007 Afternoon
it was an open bk test.. but the first part was easily... but i took too much time copying my answers..
so left half oni 30min for the llast 2 qns...
yet it was a qns to write ur resume or sth... to write a letter to a job vacancy u are interested in... it was difficult...
n the last ans was to write a short advertismenting report for a piggy cushion using less than 300 words...
i oni hav 10min for that qns... n it was 25%...
haiz... i m so dead...

i got ard a week to study for the nxt 2 papers... translatn was open bk...
but the other was difficult...
CL2280 04 Dec 2007 Evening
the paragraph we needed to translate was difficult!!!
the nxt part was easier but i dun have much time...

CH2225 06 Dec 2007 Morning
tis iwas the paper i feared most...
due to the lack of lecture notes n the large amt of readings to be done...
i did badly for tis module's term paper... so needed the marks to push everithg up...
tis was the oni paper i managed to finish...
studied a lot for it... but still not confident at all...

aniway here's the brief summary...

yesterday... went for an outing... more coming up soon... ^_^
aniway i m watching saiunkoku monogatari! it was super nice! i love the story!!!
n i bought d.grey man 3 today...

to do list:

wenya's n xianhao's christmas presents
fruit basket 23

peace knights
a script for zhui xing
a survey to b made 4 zhui xing

go thru my clothes n pick out the ones i could not wear...
tidy up my worksheets for tis sem...
start looking thru txtbks...
prepare for tuition to restart soon... all stopped n pay not received...

Monday, November 19, 2007


i want to rant here...
went to sch today to photocopy some readings...
took a survey n got $10...
but used it up quite quickly...
juz check my universe score...
realli bad... scared i fail that module...
haiz... too late for regrets...
realli strange that my forum marks is 0... but then again i din ask ani constructive qns... so too bad...
aniway... went to causeway pt... to borrow some bks for the exam on sat...
n also to buy dinner home...
went to cold storage to buy a black pepper chicken n a honey glazed chicken...
n grab some sushi...
then the cashier... a trainee... was so slow...
ok... so she's still unused to the job so veri slow... but my hands veri tired...
carry so many thgs... wish i brought a basket...
i went outside to sit at one of the seats opp the singtel shop...
here's the thg that i m veri angry abt...
i sat there to adjust my thgs...
kept my wallet n stuff...
then there was tis woman... ard mid or late twenties?
w her boyfriend or husband i dunno...
the seat is meant for one person per space n she juz squeezed besides mi... nearly toppling my thgs!!!
there's an empty seat besides mi... juz someone put an empty bottle there...
if she wanted to squeeze w mi... why not go to the other empty seat? i realli dun understand...
i was a bit irritated at that time...
she also hit the other auntie at the other side i tink... cause not auntie also looked unhappy...
i mean she is thin but why muz squeezed w others? she realli tink that she's that thin?
aniway... her boyfriend or husband? i tink shd be husband since they are looked like they are married at tis age...
he asked her why she juz sat there... she juz said there's no choice... her feet hurts...
actually i was annoyed but still ok... but wad makes mi realli angry is that...
i realli couldnt believe she said that...
i juz stood up and took my thgs since her hair... yes she had long hair n not tied up... her hair nearly hit mi when she was talking to her husband...
n she actually said "yes!" veri she scored lottery or sth...
i mean i let u have the seat n u go yes! like i was the one who shd have left long ago...
i was so tempted to glare at her!!!
but i juz took my thgs n left... i dun want to argue w immature ppl...
after all... one is not wise if u argue w rude ppl... cause they can get away w almost anithg since they are considered rude... argue w them... u sink to their level...
mayb i m petty...
but i have food n she juz came n nearly pushed my food to the floor...
then said yes veri loudly... for a child we will say it's rude... n she's an adult... an adult i stressed not a teenager or wadsoever...
i cant believe she did that...
i mean come on... u had been so rude n u still tink u are rite?
n there are other seats ard... n u purposely squeezed in?
i cant believe it! where's the maturity?
haiz... i m realli disappointed that i had seen tis behaviour of a six-year old in an adult that is almost 30?
well... exams coming... so i tink i shd 4get tis incident soon... 5 more days to exams... actually 4 more days... since today ois almost over...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ninmu kanryo!!!

finally finished all the papers..
but think i did badly...
means i have to work extra hard for the exams...
all my papers are not done up to my standard since i m rushing...
not feeling well these few days...
stuck in toilet most of the time...
then i cut myself again... accidentally...
the small metal from the tap pierced my finger again...
i wondered why the tap hate me?!!!
aniway... some scenery photos i have taken...

n i saw a rainbow the other day!!!
i tink it is last fri... was walking to the mrt for my tution at ard 7pm...
it's like the 2nd time i had seen a rainbow?
n i managed to take a few pics...
but it is fading...
ok... how my table looks like when i did my term papers n study for my test?
n it looks even worse now than ever...
dun dare to take pics... too messy... to be shown... haha...
n my sis worse... she's having a-level...
her ones even more messy...
make me fall a few times... haiz...