Wednesday, December 12, 2007

friends 2...

well... back frm the toilet...
ok... juz received news that everithg is fine now!
so feeling happy now...
a bit afraid that i made thgs worse for them...
guess that was wad i got 4 trying to meddle into other ppl's affairs... :p
but ... i like to noe all my friends are happy...
aniway... i tink i m lucky that i did not choose to b a social worker...
i tink i m bad at resloving conflict n too emotionial for wad's is needed...
well... finished reading a few stories...
wad realli touched my heart abt the 48 chap long story is that a sense of belonging is impt.
it does not matter if u are binded by blood or not...
though family ties are impt as well...
the feelings, the care n the thgs u do for each other are wad matters most...
i juz argued w my mum in the morning...
i felt so upset... mayb it's my fault mayb it's not...
wad's upset mi is that i cant do wad other ppl could...
i wanted to go out n my mum will say it's a waste of my money...
i buy comics it's also a waste of my money...
all tis money shd be saved to pay for my sch fees...
but i realli hope to have some luxury in buying thgs i realli like...
these few days... she caught mi n my sis watching anime on the laptop n she's upset that we might spoiled the com... n she felt that it was a waste of time n money...
well... i argued of course... mayb i shdn't... it's juz that i wanted the freedom to relax?
i wanted to do thgs that other ppl could do...
but mayb because of our finicial status or sth...
i could not realli do wad others could...
ppl could go watch movies, go out shopping buy clothes, cds n all the thgs...
but i dun get to... now it's so much better w mi using my tuition pay...
i try to save as much as i could but sometimes it's so difficult to resist all those temptations...
most imptly... i noe the reason for mi feeling upset is that...
i wanted their approval of wadever i do...
i guess nothing is better than having ur family n friends' support in doing sth...
i tink it is the feeling that counts not the blood or sth...
but i m really glad to be in tis family... nbo matter how much i ranted...
aniway... feelings are wad most impt to mi...
n if everi1's happy...
it's even better... ^_^
now that everithg is fine i guess... i could only hope that i will not be stuck in the toilet again...
haiz mayb i shd take my mum's advice n see a doc... but then again... i lazy... :p
n outside they are painting the flats n the smell is realli making mi nausous...

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