Wednesday, December 19, 2007


ok... now nid to put the details 4 all my outings so far...
ok... 6 dec ... last paper... ch 2225 chinese lit of singapore n malaysia b4 1965...
wenya n i decided to go amk hub to shop 4 xmas present...
i oni bought xinying's present...

n when we got to ntuc... they got tis small log cake special offer... oni 4 that time i tink... an hpur or two oni...
aniway... chocolate fugde log cake w a snowman on top... a lot of different designs...
n $2.99 each ... offer oni $0.99 each... i bought 3 home for both my sis... syper delicious... i love it!!!

7 dec... yes the nxt day...
went to suntec city n followed by a bbq w yundan, rong luan ,de ming, li ling n lin jing...
super fun...
yundan, rong luan, de ming n i went to kbox at suntec then went to carrefour to buy things 4 bbq at yundan's place...
the place was veri beautiful...
rong luan's footsteps... artistic? heehee :p
some pics... i managed to catch a few candids... haha...

the fire that wont start...
n how come i m always the one starting n tending the fire?... haiz... spent the whole nite taking care of the fire... well... it got mi out of ythe zong ji mi ma... which i m veri bad at... but hey i found ppl worse than mi that nite... haha...
n the place was super messy when we started... it got better after we started cooking...

then on 13 dec... i took my little sis to causeway pt... to buy ah mei's bday present... since there was a sale gg on... then she finished her training n mit us at causeway...
n i wanted to rant!!!
my little sis said she wants 2 eat at foodcourt so we went up to 5th storey i tink...
then she kept walking n walking wout stopping at ani empty tables w mi yelling after her...
haiz... then after 10min, we finally found a seat... we shared w others...
wait for another 10 min for the ppl to clear the table...
n then she said... i want to eat long john silver...
aaah!!! then we went all the way to the 1st floor while i scolded her n said i was full alr because of anger...... n she juz laughed...
then i scolded her :"i m scolding u n u are laughing?!!!"
n she answered: "huh? how i know u are scolding mi?"
aaaah!!! i want to die le......
then we ate long john n see how messy the table was... haiz...
on 14 dec... i went to kbox @ amk......
i m almost tempted to complain!!!
realli!!! ok... mayb i m complain queen or drama queen but the service is really bad!
not sure i want to go there again...
seriously, we went to the place for a few times alr... n yet tis is the worst service i ever receieved!!!
1stly... we did not know how to use the mikes so we requested for help...
ok... we waited... 4 nearly 10 min n no one came!!! n we are juz opp the office!!!
ok nvr mind...
but the mikes were not gd... the sounds came on n off... n we nid to adjust sometimes...
ok nvr mind...
but wenya i tink 4gt to keep her water bottle n within a min or 2... the person came in n said no outside food allowed! i was like... u took more than 10 min to get here to fix our mike... n wasting our time to sing n a min or two to get here to say outside food not allowed?!!! ok mayb the person juz happened to walk by... so...
ok... nvr mind...
due to the fact that wenya is a vegetarian, we asked if we can change the bento to a drink...
i mean a bento is so much more expensive than the drink n the person said cannot rudely...
juz a "no. cannot." so wenya had to forgo the bento...
then another person came in n we asked again... he was better he said ok he try... but in the end still cannot... but at least he was more polite...
but then again... at other branches we are sometimes allowed to change...
n i realli tink kbox shd allow the change... so it was more friendly...
i tink it is unreasonable for a place that tries to attract customers to say... sorrie u cant eat then ur prob... or u come at another time like k student when oni drinks are provided...
personally, i tink it is bad business strategy n not to mention make ppl a bit resentful of the fact that such a big enterprise dun take such thgs into consideration...
i m not pting fingers here or making ani insults or anithg...
i m merely giving suggestions... n suggestions helps one to improve...
at least allow the change to drink... be more considerate to ppl who are unable to eat the food...
aniway... ok... i 4gt tis n we tink tis is sth they can improve on...
ok so nvr mind...
but that's not all... the food there is realli bad...
i was like taking the 1st bite was so surprised...
esp... the mushrooms... i din eat such cold n bitter mushrooms b4! i was like so happy that it was not a salad n is mushrooms n i love mushrooms n was so disappointed....
the chicken was so tough that i could hardly bite... n the rice was veri dry...
ok... mayb it was my palette that had a prob... but none of us could realli finished the food...
realli tink i will go for k student instead of k lunch...
n seriously i tink the food when i first visited kbox was still the best... much more delicious compared to the last few times i had been there...
i still rmb salmon w bones in it... nearly choked... n i still tink that the food there could been improved... i mean we went there to sing n the place was not that bright... how can u see the bones? i tink it was veri dangerous n frm then on... i refused to order fish... since that experience of the fish bone...
welll i had lots of complaints over that kbox trip n i m alr trying not list out all the thgs i want to complain... n seriously i realli hope that kbox could improve... esp at amk... casue it was realli a bad experience there... though it was much better for the few times i visited there b4...
well... tis was juz to get them out...
aniway... after that we went to marina square to help xianhao buy christmas present for his friends.... then we ate at Hans after wenya left for the bus stop...
poor wenya... she waited for nearly an hr b4 she went to take the mrt instead... the bus was super slow....
n i love Hans!!!
the food was great!
aniway xianhao was 1st to order n last to get it... then when his food was finally here... he was too engrossed in his hp then his food...
hmmm... the food looks delicious dun u tink? haha...

n on 15 dec... wenya n i went to the botanic garden w the bishan home residents...
it was fun n tiring... walking so many places... but it was beautiful there...
wenya n seng rong...
a few pics... i tink 1st is the swan lake n a fountain...

the orchids n a mini water fall...

more pics on the trip will be on my other blog yes at the link labelled pics... muz see!
well... chritmas outings soon... n mayb another post on wad i bought during the hols :p
i bought lots of thgs!!!

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