Wednesday, December 06, 2006


ok.... a lot had happened....
but tink i talk abt yesterday first....

aniway... i veri unlucky yesterday morning!!!
i was late in reaching the mrt due to the incident at yishun mrt....
aniway... the train was so slow!!! i was waiting for so long....
n i was alr late so veri anxious.... n din finish my cl....
then the train kept stopping for so long every stops as people kept trying to get on the train even when there was nbo way more to get in....
so the train cant move... n i was so irritated....
the driver... if that is wad u called the person who drive the train kept announcing n asking ppl on the platform to wait for the nxt train n stand behind the yellow line....
haiz.... i was so late....

then cl exam... to be elaborated later....
n mi n wenya n yundan go jurong pt n boon lay lib...
yundan went there to meet her friend while mi n wenya wanted to go lib n shopping...
ok mayb i not veri keen abt shopping.... but i nid to find a wedding gift as well as christmas gift...
aniway... i was disappointed not to find the prince of tennis comics.... ruyoma *i m not sure of the spelling... chinese is long ma* was so cool n proud.... n it is so funny! i like bu er i tink is fuji sth the best! aniway... i ended up w borrowing a few shaman king comic.... yoh is so nice n funny ... ren is so cute... n anna is cool!

aniway.... half the time we were shopping.... yundan kept gg so fast tt we kept losing her...
n i kinda of in the middle as our p.sala stopped frequently.... n i had to go drag her away....
aniway... i was having fun regardless of my complaints.... we even saw the lifesized pokemon n wenya kept laughing n laughing as she saw them....
i saw the aquamarine in one of the shop that is so beautiful!!! too bad....
i forgot to bring ani $ due to my hastyrush to sch.... can oni blame myself... 555...

N there is sth that made mi veri angry....
there was tis boy out shopping w his mum n brother i tink....
i was waiting for wenya n leaned against the railing then tis boy juz walked nxt to mi...
n threw a piece of sweet wrapper down n it nearly hit someone below....
i was so shocked! i noe juz a veri less than 30cm2 paper but how can some1 eat a sweet n threw the wrapper down from 4th floor... i noe tt it is not dangerous or anythg but there is a big rubbish bin few steps away.... n when he saw mi watching him he juz dun care....
pls lor! at least 10 yrs old alr also dunno nid to throw the sweet into the rubbish bin haiz....

ok... then i nid to go alr as my sis wanted to go northpt n buy spects....
i wait for more than half an hour b4 she appeared n i have so many bks in my bag.... so heavy.....
then we went to the shop.... n try finding a pair she likes....
but after we finally found the one she likes... poor salesgirl....
we decided it is too x... hundred plus dollars lor... i rather save them...
so we went off n go kfc eat zinger meal! well i din bring ani $ so my sis pay... heehee b4 anione so anythg abt being greedy... i liked to say tt is sis bonding....
n then it was raining so heavy n we had to wait... went to walk ard northpt...
not much to see.... hey i lived in yishun till pri six... n yj is at yishun..... so i basically noe the whole place....

haiz.... a tiring day....
tink i will talk abt exams in the nxt post.... now watching vcds.... 小鱼儿与花无缺 veri funny!!!

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