Sunday, December 10, 2006

is that a right answer....

i was watching 小鱼儿与花无缺 last episode yesterday....
here's sth.... it is abt the death of 苏樱... right after 小鱼儿 finally tell her he loved her n asked her to marry him...

"I love you."
She was stunned. Could what she had just heard be true? "Will you marry me after all this is over?"
Why? Why? Why? She screamed in her mind.
Tears fell from her eyes. She was poisoned. A poison that even she, the daughter of the world's greatest doctor, could not save herself. She knew that the poison of the plant was very vile. There was no cure in the entire world especially now that her parents were dead. Her parents were the best and no one else could help her. In less than an hour she would melt into a puddle of blood.
“Hey, are you alright in there?” he asked from outside the door.
She had refused to let him inside the room as she mixed up the poison. She did not want him to know that she was poisoned. No. He must not know that. She quickly put the potion she was to make together quickly as she tried to calm herself.
“Yeah,” she answered, trying to control her trembling voice as he continued to talk about the future they will be having in the future.
But there was no future for her. She could feel her hands shaking and her legs weakening. The poison had taken effect.
“Then we will be at the island and have kids. If the first born is a girl, we can let…” she tuned him out. There was a buzzing in her ears and her vision was blurred.
Finally she managed to pour the potion into the small bottle. There, at least she could help to save the world with this potion.
Shakingly she reached the door and opened. He smiled at her as she passed the bottle to him. It was then her legs gave out. She fell.
“What?” he dashed and just caught her before she hit the floor. He placed the precious bottle on the table as he carried her.
“Hey? What happened? Don’t scare me like that! What’s wrong?” he asked desperately as he tried to stop her shaking.
She merely smiled and said simply, “I’m sorry but I’m dying.”
“But how?” he shook his head at the abrupt news as he asked hopefully, “hey, it’s a joke, right?”
“No,” she shook her head, “I was poisoned. Just please promise me that you will forget me and move on, okay?”
“What do you mean by that? You can’t die! You can’t just leave me alone like that! When were you poisoned? You’re kidding, right? Please! Please just say you are!” he pleaded as tears started to flow. No! Too many people had left him! She must not leave him as well!
She shook her head as she showed him her left hand, “see, it is melting now.”
“No! You will be okay! I promised you will be okay! Please!” he pleaded desperately.
But she smiled, “the poison had already spread and my organs had started to melt.”
“This can’t be true! You can’t leave me!” he muttered as he tightened his arms around her body.
It was then she started to scream in pain.
“It hurts! It hurts so much!” she screamed and struggled in his grip.
“Hush! Hush! You will be okay! Come o, you can do it!” he whispered as he tightened his grip.
But it was useless. She continued to struggle and then she did something that froze his heart.
She pulled her dagger from her pouch. “Please! Please kill me! I can’t take the pain anymore!”
“No!” he yelled as he pulled her dagger away but she fought with him, pleading with him to kill her, to end her pain.
“I can’t take it! I can feel them melting! It hurts! It hurts! Kill me, please! I beg you!” she screamed and struggled.
“No! Please don’t make me do this! Please don’t make me kill the one I loved most! Everyone had left me! You can’t leave me! You can’t make me kill you! You can make it! You won’t die!” he yelled as he struggled to throw the dagger from her grip.
“Just let me die! Please! Let me die now if you love me!” she screamed in pain.
He froze, “what should I do? What should I do?”
“Kill me! Please! End my pain!” she begged in aguish as she tried to stab the dragger at her heart, “do it if you love me, please!”
“If I love you,” he repeated, “kill you if I love you.”
And then he did it…
The dagger was suddenly in her heart.
She smiled at him and whispered weakly, “forget me…”
Then steam rose up and soon, only a puddle of blood remained.
He cried and cried then he just stared and stared and stared. At the puddle of blood which was once his beloved woman. The one person he was going to spend his future with happily. He killed her with the dagger. He killed her… the one he loved most…
His brother came back an hour later. Yet he only found a puddle of blood on the floor and an incoherent brother hiding in the closet. He was hiding there and mumbling about having no more tears to cry…
“She died…” he said simply…

ok.... here's sth i written after watching that episode.... it's so sad.....

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