Thursday, December 21, 2006

letting go...

after watching the recent few episodes of tian wai fei xian as well as other stories n fan fics....
i realized sth...
love is not sth to be gripped tightly....
not juz sth that one has to hold firmly to...
love is sth that one muz hold firmly to yet able to let go...

actually not juz love....
i feel that everythg in life shd be held firmly...
all the thgs shd be cherished n treasured....
all including the sad and hurtful thgs....
yet... all these thgs shd be able to be let go when neccessary....

like memories....
one can't hold them forever....
yes... i feel that u can't throw away ur memory cause they are painful...
they shd be kept and learnt then let it go....
juz like death... u can't keep tinking abt somethg that had happened....
yes... u kept the memory of the person in ur heart...
that is where that person lived forever....
yet... u can't juz live in memory...
u nid to accept the fact... the memory... n then let it go...
let the person go....
i feel that then that is love....
love shd not be selfish..... even if the one u love is gone they are other ppl who care abt u...
don't let them worry or b sad bcause of u....
u can cry... the tears will always dry ....
tmr will be a brand new day....

it is not forgetting abt the bad thgs...
it is keeping them... accepting them n then let them go....

but then... saying all tis is easy but doing them will be another thg....
but then one nids to try....
so what if u cry?
so what if tears will not dry?
juz do ur best n be proud....
u have not fail...
for time will heal everythg....
n one day u will be able to let go....
so jia you... another day will be there...

haiz... i tink i getting depressed....
no! muz smile n be happy! like tis? >_<
maybe not.... but gan batte?

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