Saturday, May 02, 2009


ok... my bday week is the best!
i alr uploaded the bday gifts pic le! yes muz be a separate post cause it's so special!!! :p
thanks everi1 for the gifts love them!!!

firstly on my bday, met yiwen, xiujuan,yundan n wenya for lunch n they gave mi the gifts... yundan got mi a blouse... sorrie yundan the blouse is being washed so i din hav a pic of it now.... so sorrie...
then when i got home, my sis got 2 slices of coffeebean cakes for mi... she alr got mi the x dress i wore for grad dinner le... but added on w 2 slices of cakes...n i went to the study room...n there it was! a com chair.... i been wanting to buy one... n the factory there got a sale n my dad bought it for mi!!! so happy!!!

then on the weekend of that week, it's grad dinner!!! yes... graduating le!!!

then on that sun went to the travel agency 2 place the deposit for travel...
n finished paying yesterday!!! hopefully nothing will go wrong... haiz... swine flu...

but the attitude of the travel agency person put a big damper on my wonderful week...

so tempted to change the agency...
it's one of thebiggest in spore n the service is BAD!!!
now i noe y ppl says that travel agency is declining... w the service? of course lah...

for yesterday briefing, it's a bit better.... but pls can improve or not?
haiz... y are the ppl so impatient... we re one of the first ones to reach there wait outside for it to open n there's no one else behind lor...

n that attitude is like stop wasting my time lah... y cant we confirm wad he said...
he taking almost half of my bank account lor... sorrie lah i m poor... but it's impt for mi cause it's my first trip overseas lor!

aargh! hate the service.... hopefully they will improve soon after all tourism is an impt sector in our economy... haiz...

i refused to let that affect my mood n not my prob if the service is bad since i m neither the employer or employee... yes i m cold-blooded n selfish :p

i received a letter from chio hui!!! she mailed mi a present!!!!!!
feel so guilty i havent even mailed her her 21st bday ... ok havent done it yet w term papers deadline n exams... think i mailing after the trip cause can add more thgs inside... :p

so happy....

then i got a letter from moe to go for briefing...
so glad i receive it cause i think i screwed up the interview...
i got pri sch chi... phew... so now waiting till june n muz do medical checkup after i got back.... so glad that i got it : )

after the briefing though it's reading week... yiwen n i decided to take a break n go munchie monkey cafe @ yih to have lunch... last time we eating in sch le....

then after that i got term papers to work on... yes 4 term papers in a week... so tired... n presentations... workload 4 this sem is too heavy...

then got exams... 4 papers in 3 days...yes i m crazy... ppl take 3 papers in 2 weeks lor... i opp dun tink i did well... all the qns are so difficult.... n the module i took were so difficult as well...

haiz... aniway over n done w...

so now i nid to prepare for my trip! got lots of thgs to find n buy... yeah including a pair of track shoes... oh yeah i got a jab on thur... i was scared that it's painful... i dun like gg to a doc or dentist... but then the doc was nice n it doesnt hurt.... haha

ok... a super long post....
till nxt time ja!

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