Thursday, May 14, 2009

the misunderstanding???

went to get the luggage ganma is lending me for the trip @ grandma's hse...
n saw my cousins playing pets soicety...
they got hundreds of friends on facebk lor! how they did it dun ask mi... i oni got 45 friends...
anyway i asked them to play mine for mi...
sorrie i m lazy but i wanted to buy thgs for my pets....

so jiayi was so kind to play for mi... haha my pet even got a level up...

but then when qjr came online n asked if i changed the $

then she forgot she's using my account n typed "who re u?"
then qjr was surprised that i dunno who she is...
n then by the time i came over n looked at the screen, ojy realized that it's my account....

anyway i tried to reply to qjr's reply but they kept wanting mi to change the replies haha... so in the end... i can oni juz send a sms...

so the morale of teh story is not to ask someone to use ur account...

anyway will be leaving later tonite... n back nxt thur nite...

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