Saturday, May 30, 2009

korea trip!

ok... super late post... i noe so sorrie!


on may 14th nite, set off to airport and reached on 15th may at ard 4.45am (spore time) n that's 5.45am (korea time), we reached korea... had breakfast on board...
the thgs i bought there n the airport...
our grp was small... 18ppl, 8 there's one big family... a couple, mother-daughter n aunt as well as mother son n girlfriend... the tour guide, dona met us at the airport. she was nice n friendly... i forgot to take a pic w her!!! haiz... she taught me some thgs esp relationships w parents... muz learn to appreciate them... i will... at least try...
aniway... the first stop was everland! but so many ppl! esp teenagers... cause sch hols n sch brought them tehre a lot in uniforms as well as quite a lot of tourists...

realized i dun like the teens there... they spit on the floor... in uniforms as well? ok... to be fair oni some... n one spit close to me n i got so angry that i glared at that boy... his friend pushed him to go teh outer side when he saw my glare... hello want to do it do it far away frm mi! i was juz sitting there! haiz... but it was fun saw a lot of animals though i wished can see more...

one i got excited abt was the mongeese cause i juz saw it in a fan fic that made momoshiro a mongoose n i hav no idea wad it looks like n saw it in korea lol...

aniway it's like crowds of ppl n i m realli interested in teh danger sign though i hav no idea wad it said :p
then the cleaner in skates? haha not a sight u see in spore...
then we went to the gardens! it was beautiful! we sat on a small train to take us ard it...
n took some pics... trying to zi pai again... :p
flowers w same colour as my scarf... it was cold there...
i like the lake!
n the flowers! the ones below are catcus arranged into shapes nice rite?

then we took a bus n looked at a lot but the white tiger n standing bear left memories!

it was beautiful esp teh buildings... din got time for rides cause too many ppl n too scary :p... i realized they liked pushing ppl n standing real close which i dun like kept pushing mi when we were waiting...
we oni took one skyride... a lot like the one at sentosa... which i had tried w wenya n xiujuan...

the vending machines! my sis wanted a pic of them...

then it was time for dinner! tried the kimchi n too much for mi :p then the hotel...

the wait for hotel room keys...

the view frm the window... it was nice...
this hotel is the first one we stayed at - yongpyong i tink it's ski resort...
opp is a place w winter sonata.. haiz din go... wasted...

the room ...

the long wait for toilet... tried some zi pai...
then breakfast buffet orange jam... fallen in love w it...

the coal museum...

i love this pic.. the light at the end of tunnel?

then ban fan...or i tink called bibimpap? put the rice and mixed everithg together..

long bus ride n it's raiing hard... means doodles on the windows? :p

after that we went to the rail bike ride... but it was raining too heavily... we were all drenched...
n tried to get out luggage to change into clean clothes... at the office... then go to winery to make a personalised wine...

on the bus... bored... out the window n see this interesting pet shop... actually the whole street was full of petshops but this was the most striking...i like the black n pink signboard.... we were at daegu i tink...

the road was crowded...

my fav korean bbq! cook the meat then wrap it and some rice in a leaf n it's heavenly!

the hotel! lots of thgs to do cause my shoes and clothes were wet...
the hotel we were at then was grand daegu... it's nice esp the tv :p

i like the jap drama but got no clue wad show is it...
n other than watching go like the night b4... i found tooniverse... which i was addicited to for the rest of the trip... at that time it was showing detective conan!!! the episode w shinichi's mum n ran's mum! i alr noe who teh murderer is and it's all in korean!

the view outside window...
to mi it was cold but abruptly it's hot? to some others? not my fault that the aircon cannot be changed... aniway i got a weird encounter in this room but din tell ani1... shd b my imagination ba... muz b the cold...

aniway... we waited early n walked ard...b4 breakfast another buffet :) n the scenery was beautiful outside...

a payphone n a bus-stop...

then we went to the temple b4 gg to the airport...

then at the airport to jeju...
i was sitting besides alison... haha she's so cute : )
thoughshe kept touching the seatbelt no matter wad i say...

food we ate at the airport...n i love teh ice-cream... saw it at expo juz the other day...

jeju is a place with warm sulight n cold wind blowing...
we were told by dona that jeju ppl were said to be descendants of mongols and there's 3 more n 3 less...
upon reaching, we went to the mysterious road.. where thgs go upslope? trick of ur eyes..n took pics of the wan pi gu... naughty ghost?

then we went to teddy bear museum! so many bears! n ppl...

then food! noodles n rice...

it was dark when we reached jeju phoenix island resort

teh hotel was the best! it had 2 rooms... one with 2 beds n a toilet... i slept on the futon at the other room n we all noe why... n a living rm n a kitchen n another toilet! yes! 2 toilets!!! teh one in teh room had a tv w the bathtub... though i got a shock when the phone nxt to it started ringing when i was in teh middle of the shower...

got a bit bored so tried to learn zi pai again...

in the morning...i realli love the place...

after a quick breakfast after an incident... that made mi real upset... we went to the beach...
yes! my fav beach... though no one to help mi take pics...

then after that we went to the mountain? seongsan i tink it's the name...din climb up but down instead to look at seafood n then went to buy chocolates! i love the cliff... like wu xia pi rite?

the climb n teh danger sign in korean!

then took a pic in the forest of yellow flowers... n then off to folk village where the auntie or is it called ahjima? was veri funny... mkept pulling the little girl's grandpa ard... n someone told adeline to call that auntie ahma... haha so funny...

then ginseng chicken! n off to look at the dragon stone? n i spent 100 won on the binoculars... :p

then food... beiting n adeline...

after that back to airport then to spa castle where we stayed longer... till nxt afternoon instead of leaving in the morning... however, out of 18, oni 3 aunties went to the spa...
the hotel was nice as well! 2 rooms, a living rm, a toilet n a kitchen? more a dinning area... however, the best thing is that there's 2 tv n separate aircon for each rm! love it! i slept on futon again!

and as we din go to spa... we got the morning free n we stayed in hotel rm w the tv... i had teh living rm tv to myself since the rm i was sleeping in had no tv... n i love teh champ n tooniverse channel n the chinese show channel...
n watched digimon tamers in korean! haha
n i saw a everland adverisment lol the place we visited after reaching ...

the resturant... for breakfast n lunch...

then went to dmz... took some pics w the 2 sisters... since we cant take pics of the scenery...

then off to make strawmat n ricecake! n dinner!

stumbled upon an alleyway that seemed so typical in korean drama...

then we went to dongdamen... yes finally got shopping... but din c anithg cheap or worth buying though i get a pair of shoes n a blouse... there's juz the oni thg i tink it's ok...

then to the hotel- palace hotel-seoul.. it's ok... juz a rm w 2 beds... n a toilet... but i saw detective acamedy q on tv... : )

then breakfast not feeling well due to cramps so oni ate some porridge...then to faceshop, ginseng shop n finally making of kimchi n wearing the traditional clothing... though i tink i look weird in them... adeline n alison were so cute!

then food! this is not bad at all! mushrooms!

the pic that saved us frm getting more lost... at myongdong? dunno how to spell teh place's names...

ricecakes in dinner...

then to lotte world hotel -seoul n then to amuesment park... we oni go indoors cause the outdoors looks scary... but not for the couple, andrew n eunice, they went bungee jumping... all of us watched the parade then got on the sinbad adventure ride oine of teh auntie said it's scary n adeline cried... but alison teh younger one hugged his jiejie n told her it's ok... she's realli sweet
aniway then we separated into small grps... actually the aunties wanted to try pirate ship w us but changed their minds when they saw the ride...
then we saw ppl running n followed tehm to a ride we dunno wad since everithg is in korean we juz went w the flow... n turned out to be a small boat w 3 or 4 ppl n moving on water like a roller coaster... scary... then we decided to try teacups... harmless rite? turned out the teacups not oni spin themseleves but the whole thg will raise up n down... haiz...

view frm window...

mi n photographer amy... n food.... n went back to spore...

got a volka for ah mei at spore airport... dad came n fetched mi...
so nice to be home! after being a maid...ur my nick there was bao mu for the last few days... n for a week...had to do a lot thgs parents did for mi.... so gd to be home... remind mi y i dun stay in the dorms...

also realized there are some thgs i m totally intolerant of n personality can clash ... big time....

haha wenya once said she dun want to live w mi at ani pt of her life haha guess that's true... i m hard to live w... but some ppl i realli cant live w? ok i m juz paraphrasing? dunno wad i mean aniway...

had fun... spent a lot of $ at dunno where...

n i realized overseas calls are x! ok... i din call at all... cause dunno how to...
send 2 or 3 sms then lend her 2 send...

n realized my idd frm $90 dropped to $60... $30 dollars for sms???
it's juz 7 days? how many sms? i dunno but it's scary...
luckily for mi, i got free $30 idd everitime i top up... but dun understand y so x...

things i bought...

a super long post............ but more pics at facebook...