Sunday, August 31, 2008

ma vie en rose

ma vie en rose

a french movie in 1997...
its name is translated to
my life in pink...

we were watching it during the childhood n youth lect last wk...
it's touching n heart warming...
there are parts where it's funny and parts that are juz so sad...
it's a story abt a 7 yr old boy ludovic
who's confused abt his identity...
he's unsure abt if he's a boy or a girl...

he's frm a family of six...
him being the youngest...
he has 1 elder sister and two older brothers...

he tried hard to tell ppl he's a girl...
but i really dun understand why his parents din talk to him seriously abt it...
they decided to let him find his own identity...
n that's when thgs got worse...
but i dun tink u can blame the small boy...
he's juz ignorant...
he even uses thgs like the xx n xy chromosomes... i tink...
saying that he lost his y so he's a boy when he's supposed to be a girl...

well... i guess the scenes that i really rmb are...

the first is the part where no one helped him when he was abt to get beaten...
even his brothers did not help him...
they actually let their kid brother get beaten?
then the whole family couldn't find him...
his mother was very upset that she hid in the garage i tink n smoke...
i tink to take a break...
then she was so shocked to find her son hiding in the fridge...

the second one is the scene where the father got fired
after they allowed the boy to go to a party in a skirt...
they told them it's therapy...
n at that time the others showed understanding...
yet a few days afterwards ...
the father was fired frm work...
n the parents were so angry at other ppl's hypocritcy

the third is the scene where the father was beaten?
then his parents were so upset...
yet... the boy ran out and yelled happily that he got his "period"...
the fourth one was that his mother realized that she had wrongly accused her son...
she tok her son is leaving her...
n she was so upset...
n well... someone got too excited during that part where the mother fell into the signboard...
n "exclaimed" loudly ... well enough that the whole lt turned n looked at her...

but it was touching...
little thgs that showed how a family can influence a child...
how much a child can understand frm their parents' words...
how much influence can a granny help the child through sth...
how cruel a child can be...
how impt a teacher is...
how much influence a community can have on individuals...

n the thg is ppl shd keep an open mind on thgs...

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