Friday, August 15, 2008

in sch...

ok... i m gg crazy...
try 2 hr b4 i can connect to the internet in sch...
haiz... and after changing to the chinese lib i can finally get inside...

sch's started...
having a sociology module today at 12-2 pm
childhood and youth...
it's interesting...
though the mid term is on 3/ 10...
i got 2 modules having mid term and both it's on 3/10...
which is the first day of my sis's psle...

not oni that but i have a term paper to submit on 6/10...

but then on a lighter note...
the week before this hectic things is recess week...
n after 7/10 i can really concentrate on my studies...

dun tink i m teaching ani tuition after psle...
well except mayb the enrichment one...

have 5 hrs till forensic sci
ok now left ard 2 b4 gg for dinner...
n no... i m not gg to skip animore meals after hearing all the stuff frm peikiat...
now i m getting suspicious of my health...

nid to go to dentist soon for my wisdom tooth n see a doctor regarding my stomach cramps...
and all these supposed to be done snce i dunno june or b4? :p
ok... i admit i hate gg to doctor's or dentist's...
well.. maybe gg after my sis's exam...
yes... i m lazy rmb?
ok... juz a random post...

modules i m taking tis sem are...
chinese fiction, chinese drama, selected readings in chinese verse, childhood and youth n finally forensic sci...
so anione having info abt these can let me noe...
help mi w my term papers :p oni 3 tis time
but i m starting my term papers asap tis time... lol

a rough timetable
for mon tuition n read readings on chinese fiction... n print notes in sch...
for tuesday read readings on chinese drama and childhood and youth...
for wed read readings on forensic and selected readings in chinese verse...
for thur read readings on childhood n youth since dun tink can finish on tue...
for fri... during break prepare tuition n typd up my pk n sk...
for sat... the afternoon study @ amk if possible...
for sun tuition at yishun... then tuition...

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