Sunday, August 31, 2008

ma vie en rose

ma vie en rose

a french movie in 1997...
its name is translated to
my life in pink...

we were watching it during the childhood n youth lect last wk...
it's touching n heart warming...
there are parts where it's funny and parts that are juz so sad...
it's a story abt a 7 yr old boy ludovic
who's confused abt his identity...
he's unsure abt if he's a boy or a girl...

he's frm a family of six...
him being the youngest...
he has 1 elder sister and two older brothers...

he tried hard to tell ppl he's a girl...
but i really dun understand why his parents din talk to him seriously abt it...
they decided to let him find his own identity...
n that's when thgs got worse...
but i dun tink u can blame the small boy...
he's juz ignorant...
he even uses thgs like the xx n xy chromosomes... i tink...
saying that he lost his y so he's a boy when he's supposed to be a girl...

well... i guess the scenes that i really rmb are...

the first is the part where no one helped him when he was abt to get beaten...
even his brothers did not help him...
they actually let their kid brother get beaten?
then the whole family couldn't find him...
his mother was very upset that she hid in the garage i tink n smoke...
i tink to take a break...
then she was so shocked to find her son hiding in the fridge...

the second one is the scene where the father got fired
after they allowed the boy to go to a party in a skirt...
they told them it's therapy...
n at that time the others showed understanding...
yet a few days afterwards ...
the father was fired frm work...
n the parents were so angry at other ppl's hypocritcy

the third is the scene where the father was beaten?
then his parents were so upset...
yet... the boy ran out and yelled happily that he got his "period"...
the fourth one was that his mother realized that she had wrongly accused her son...
she tok her son is leaving her...
n she was so upset...
n well... someone got too excited during that part where the mother fell into the signboard...
n "exclaimed" loudly ... well enough that the whole lt turned n looked at her...

but it was touching...
little thgs that showed how a family can influence a child...
how much a child can understand frm their parents' words...
how much influence can a granny help the child through sth...
how cruel a child can be...
how impt a teacher is...
how much influence a community can have on individuals...

n the thg is ppl shd keep an open mind on thgs...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


ok... i feel so stupid!!!

i had been having stomach cramps n stomache yesterday n today...
i nearly couldn't get myself to get out of toilet to go to sch...
yes i noe... again...
haiz... it happens every mth...

ok... so i decided to buy the medicine that all the others say is veri gd...
n guess wad...

i actually chocked on the pill!
i hate medicine cause i hate swallowing pills...
i could take hrs... juz for a few pills...
but tis time it's ridiculous!

i drank ard 3 cups to get one down then i drank 2 more cups for the other...
n i actually chocked on it!!!
so i dashed to the kitchen for more water n realized i finished all the cool water...
left w hot water!!!

as i was panicking...
i swallowed in forcefully n felt like vomiting!!!
in the end, i spent more than an hr not doing anythg but siting on the sofa...

haiz... until i feel like i will not vomit animore...
i hate medicine!!!
but then i needed to take some...
now a bit better...

hopefully tmr will be better...
if not i cant go for lect tmr....


Thursday, August 21, 2008

graph of feelings...

my graph for today...

start off okay....
i still trying to play d gray man's musician on my organ...

then went to school...
n when i reach the traffic lights juz opp my void deck...
it rained wout warning!!!
not the 1st time within these few days!
it did not start with a drizzle but with a shower...
n wad really irritate me is that it stopped juz as abruptly and to start again without warning...

xinying was smsing me abt resuming our weekly study trip tis sat...
n we realized we are on the same train!!!
so lucky!

then the lect today was not bad...
well at least much better than yesterday's...
chinese drama is not bad...

then i sms my sis...
she din replied me till i reached sun plaza...
i sms her on bus 96 then went to buy food frm hawker centre not me... wenya...
n then an hr passed then she replied she still at jurong east...
i told her i go home first after we could not decide wad to eat...
then called home to c wad to buy fro dinner...
then she sms me again... to go yishun for long john...
haiz in teh end called again to tell my mum...

made a lot of calls today... muz save le ;p
then we ate dinner n walked ard...

that's all for today...
juz another random post...

juz tok i update tis few days tink i will be hiatus for sometime soon... :p
tmr got 2 lect n 5hr break....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008








但不可否认的, 身不由己也可以是一种人生的悲剧吧。。。

我认为人生最幸福的是随心所欲 而最悲惨的是身不由己吧。。。
如果能做喜欢的事,是最好 但这也往往使人变懒吧。。。


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


风萧萧兮易水寒, 壮士一去兮 不复还
saw tis line during lect 2day...

been so tired these days...
suddenly feel like a lot of ppl in sch...
haha... mayb cause of first years?
it feels like time has passed by so fast for me...
3rd year le... last year...
it seemed like juz some time ago when i juz entered university... haha..

took sometime to be certain of the time taken frm home to sch and vice versa...
muz be sure of where to alight or which bus to board...
i dun even rmb taking the bus or anithg...
juz walk to the same place... the bus interchange...
take the bus then try to rmb where to alight..
central lib or arts bus stop...

i tink i m almost a zombie le...
now kept gg to as7 to print notes...
haiz spent more than 20 dollars on notes le...
n i havent even go to rbr...

when i was boarding the bus today...
heard a personality test on 88.3...
haha... ppl rmb not to be distracted by anithg esp music when doing something...

haiz... i nearly forgot my ezlink card...
after nearly forgetting my purse for 2 times in a row last sem...
i would like to tink i learn my lesson...
yes... dun want to forget that memory under the moonlight :p

it's a quiz abt if u would submit to negative peer pressure...
i tink it's accurate... if u choose one ans...
a disclaimer not mine juz sharing wad i heard...

the qns is that out of the following plants, which one do u feel the most comfortable?

baby breath 满天星

which one? dochira desu ka

i choose cactus cause i juz read somewhere recently...
that cactus is a good plant cause it has sharp spikes? to protect itself...
it also noes how to survive with little water...

aniway... the result is that no ... i wont submit to peer pressure easily but...
not bcause of principles or anythg but juz because i m scared of troubles... 怕麻烦
haha... i tink it's accurate... well for me that is....
anione wants to try? lol

i juz got my timetable...
haiz... i dun like my timetable...

but wad to do...
gg to sch juz for 2 or 3 hr everyday n no free day cause i cant get the timings i want...


musician- d gray man

i really really love this!!!
it's sth frm d gray man episode 92? 93?

the jap version...

Soshite bouyaha nemurini tsuite
Ikizuku hainonaka no hono o Hitotsu, futatsuto

Ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
Daichini taruru ikusenno yume, yume

Ginno hitomino yuragu yoruni
Umareochita kagayaku omae
Ikuoku kuno toshitsukiga
Ikutsu inoriwo tsuchihe kaeshitemo

Watashiha inoritsuzukeru
mou kakonnokotoni ai

mou kakonnokotoni ai wo
tsunaidateni kisumo

i look at the video and typed out the english translation...
so also dun belong to me...

And then the boy falls asleep
the flame inside the breathing ashes
one then two

the floating swelling, the dear profile.
thousands of dreams, dreams that pour onto the earth

on the night when the silver eyes swing
the shining you, who was born
no matter how many millions of years, return the prayers to Earth
I continue praying love for the last
kiss for the joined hands

ok for the chinese version i translated myself...
sorrie it was a bad attempt :p...


飘着的云朵 纯真的脸孔



Friday, August 15, 2008

in sch...

ok... i m gg crazy...
try 2 hr b4 i can connect to the internet in sch...
haiz... and after changing to the chinese lib i can finally get inside...

sch's started...
having a sociology module today at 12-2 pm
childhood and youth...
it's interesting...
though the mid term is on 3/ 10...
i got 2 modules having mid term and both it's on 3/10...
which is the first day of my sis's psle...

not oni that but i have a term paper to submit on 6/10...

but then on a lighter note...
the week before this hectic things is recess week...
n after 7/10 i can really concentrate on my studies...

dun tink i m teaching ani tuition after psle...
well except mayb the enrichment one...

have 5 hrs till forensic sci
ok now left ard 2 b4 gg for dinner...
n no... i m not gg to skip animore meals after hearing all the stuff frm peikiat...
now i m getting suspicious of my health...

nid to go to dentist soon for my wisdom tooth n see a doctor regarding my stomach cramps...
and all these supposed to be done snce i dunno june or b4? :p
ok... i admit i hate gg to doctor's or dentist's...
well.. maybe gg after my sis's exam...
yes... i m lazy rmb?
ok... juz a random post...

modules i m taking tis sem are...
chinese fiction, chinese drama, selected readings in chinese verse, childhood and youth n finally forensic sci...
so anione having info abt these can let me noe...
help mi w my term papers :p oni 3 tis time
but i m starting my term papers asap tis time... lol

a rough timetable
for mon tuition n read readings on chinese fiction... n print notes in sch...
for tuesday read readings on chinese drama and childhood and youth...
for wed read readings on forensic and selected readings in chinese verse...
for thur read readings on childhood n youth since dun tink can finish on tue...
for fri... during break prepare tuition n typd up my pk n sk...
for sat... the afternoon study @ amk if possible...
for sun tuition at yishun... then tuition...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

wenya n xinying 's bday trip...

haha... finally the pics...
on 8 aug...
we celebrated wenya n xinying's birthdays!!!
wow! 21st le!!!!!
haha... Happy birthday!
we went to a ktv at bugis...
then have dinner at a hk cafe...
after that... we walked to esplanade...
well... a long walk...
have lots of fun that day...
here's are the pics...
i m sorrie for the late post...
haiz... sch started...
so a bit busy...

at the ktv...
pei kiat n xinying late since they have lessons in the morning...


at the esplanade....
gg home...