Monday, February 25, 2008

einstein's exam...

ok... on 21st feb thur...
got an exam so on tues 19th feb i had 4 hr break b4... ch 2244 tutorial...
so sat at my fav place... outside the bkshop office studying...
yup... there every wk... except odd wks... now since i had lessons wout break frm 8am to 6pm...

tis is how my table looked like as i pondered abt einstein'ds special relativity...
then i finished my packet of milo n japanese biscuit i bought frm q-bread...
i was tired so played w my hp...
then on wed... 20th feb...
my free day... so trying to study...
n i tink i oni made a mess out of my rm...

i have my radio to accompany mi... plus i kept playing w the 'aeroplane'
my little sis's christmas gift frm a friend...
it's handy u noe...
n when i teach her... she kept complaining i use it to hit her...
oops... i m violent? watch out ppl! haha...

on thur 21st feb... exam...
as i had no lessons before that...
so decided to take 95 to school...
n i reached the bus stop n watched it pass mi...
n the nxt one oni comes 20 min later...
i was almost panicky...
luckily the exam oni started at 2.15pm... so i m still early...
had different venues as yiwen so din see her that day...
aniway... i felt that the exam was diffciult... a lot of calculations...
n time was not enough...
n when i was shading the oas sheet...
i realized that i got a lot of 'c's... c=die...
then i turned to look at my calculator...
n realized that i had pressed down a button repeatedly when i was shading...
n it was 4444!!!
i tink i die le....
so scary...
hopefully i wont do veri badly....
ok... will update abt the hua che tmr... i tink...

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