Wednesday, February 06, 2008

chinatown trip...

ok... chinatown trip!!!
we went there on 2nd feb?

i had tuition at first n had to wait for 5hrs at bishan lib b4 gg to mit the others...
so i went to get some comics n went to the quiet reading room to read as well as to read some of my readings for tutorial... which i did not do ani at all...
love the comics...
the view out frm where i sit...
n how my cushion cum table looked like i was sitting on the floor in a corner... not a bad place ^_^
rave master was hilarious... haru n plue are simply too funny...
i rmb sth... like see a purple pond means u dun jump into it... but they still jump into it...
even when ellie says that let is begging them not to jump in... so funny...
n there's a character called reina... haha wenya ur nick?... she's one elegant lady...n powerful too... a silver master i tink...
kindaichi's cases were gd... intriguing... love them!
n full metal alchemist is touching yet funny as well...
the part where wendy threw thgs? haha... love roy mustang... n hawkeye... i tink that's her name...

ok... so while waiting yiwen n i saw one of our prof... but we dun dare to greet her... :p
n poor peikiat cant go!!!!!! 555~ so long din see her lor! n i was not gg till i heard she's gg... cause i had sth on intially... cancelled it... haiz... that girl too helpful le... went to help w an event last min... miss u cricket!!! we din see each other for quite long le... actually xiujuan din see u even longer... haha....
aniway... saw these...

then i was starving... so we went to eat...
as we walked we saw tis...
one ook is $2... i tink...
n it's realli unique i tink... wont found tis unless in the past or in dramas?...
n i m not sure i was born then... haha... realli nice... called western spect?
actually since none of us was familiar w the place we went ard till we reached smith street... i tink...
n a lot of ppl so we waited for quite long...
we were sitting rite nxt to tis alley... wenya likes the place? dun ask mi why... haha
a candid by xiujuan as we tried to decide wad to eat...
as we all decided to eat satay bee hoon... it's simply to tempting w the smell...
yiwen n xiujuan bought the food while i waited for them at the table...
wenya went to fetch xinying...
spot them in the pic? it's raining... so a bit blurred... n the food!!! so nice!!!
then xinying came... n wenya n i decided to eat some tangyuan...
n as we went to buy...
cai shen ye decided to pose 4 xiujuan n yiwen for them to take pics!!!... so gd!!!
some pics... not much candids...

then we decided to walk ard... not that we noe where to go...

ok... candids... as we walked....

then we saw tis... n pl started to take pics...

n we went into cd,vcd n dvd store...
n xiujuan started to take pics...
oni xiujuan then yiwen joined n finally wenya as well...
then we got outside n started snapping!!!

on the bridge...

then xiujuan went to atm... n we waited...
we went to a deparment store...
n then went to the shop that she found a nice dress...
dun go to that store animore!!!
i was telling yiwen that i nid to leave soon since it was alr 9.14pm... yes i checked my watch...
n xinying said she wanted to try on the dress n we could help her see...
n i was tinking wont be too long... so we waited...
n at 9.42pm... no dress... the auntie still said 2 wait...
we waited for a few more min... b4 we turned n wanted to go off...
xiujuan complained loudly... so long! we wait 30 min le still nothing...
then another auntie heard n came over...
then the auntie that was supposed to help us look 4 the dress said... she forgot abt us!!!
HELLO!!! 5 ppl standing there for so long n u said u forgot n went to tend to others!!!
so stupid!!! so late le... n still made us wait for so long...
when we complained... an uncle also came over n within seconds...he got that dress...
but u noe wad? that's no more l size....!!!
n we waited so long to be told there's no stock n cant try... because of that stupid auntie... i was so tempted to scream or do anithg!!!
n wad's worse our mis xinying... alr bought a dress w her mum... one that costs more than$ 50
n tis one is also more that $50...
2nd dress le still like that...
n she went back again another day...
tis time waited as long n she said she talked veri loudly...
hey can faster? i nid to get back to sch! she said she almost lost her temper...
but she bought the $65 dress...
wad service is this? ppl spent more than hundred plus dollars n tis is the service?
might as well go somewhere else w better service w that amt of money...
i still tink xinying shd not buy that dress... haha
i mean it's not worth it... why let them make money when they gave such service?
but to say the truth... i tink oni that particular auntie got a prob...
the other auntie n uncle were veri polite...
mayb she knew that xinying wanted that dress n would wait?
my dad said it's because we are young n dun dare to complain...
n if nxt time tis thg happened... i wont hesitant to demand loudly...
i dun tink tis is the standard of service a shop shd have...
so stupid!!!
aniway... enough of complaining...
we went to shop else where...
n xinying saw a $10 blouse she liked but cant try so din buy...

then we decided to take some pics...

we tried to take a pic of all 5 of us... xiujuan's hp n she took it...
after 2 failed attempts...
she got it!!!
then xiujuan n xinying bought coconut to drink...
n xiujuan's kept leaking n the vendors din want to change for her...
so xinying went n complained n finally the vendor changed a new one...
another bad service example...
haiz...i m worrying for Singapore's tourism rate...
since we are at CHINATOWN... the place where most tourists will go...

then when xiujuan n xinying wiped their hands... i took shots of their hands...
n then everi1 else! haha...
hands... ppl are connected w their hands? heehee...
guess whose hands...
then at the mrt...
candid... xiujuan dunno says wad to wenya n i happened to turn n captured that pose haha...

tis is taken in sequence within 3 seconds...
n xinying dun change... i intend to change the position of my head haha...

another attempt...
xiujuan's the expert...
trying to learn how to use my hp to take pics of ourselves... all the failed n successful attempts...
wenya trying to take a pic but her face... n can see mi n xinying playing w hp... haha
n xiujuan trying to take a pic of everi1's reflectn... had to delete the pics i take cause too eerie...
xinying w her rebonded hair!

had a fun n exciting day... regardless of the bad service ppl...

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