Sunday, April 29, 2007

my grandfather part 3

ok... i m so sorrie, chio hui!!!
i was veri busy with the furneral n exams that i did not have the time to reply to u...
so sorrie!!! gomen nasai...
i m not free till after the second wk of may so i will contact u then?
so sorrie!!!

aniway...2 poems written on wed morning... sharing... on zhui xing blog when i have the time...

lst... a chinese ci...

《踏莎行》 离开


泪水滴滴, 以无阻力。

ok... the second one is english...

without a word, without a warning,
he's suddenly gone
and all i know it's morning.

never had we been very close
but he had always been there
someone i respect
yet all a sudden he's gone.

without a word, without a warning,
he's gone.
no one believed it's happening.
everyone must be dreaming.
it's just a nightmare n coincedience
that everyone had the same nightmare.

he's gone.

all a sudden he's gone,
forever and ever.
it had to be a nightmare.

it had to be!
it's too sudden...
too abrupt...
too unfair...

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