Sunday, April 29, 2007

my grandfather... part 1

hey... so sorrie for neglecting sms...
no... not due to exams...
one tue nite...
i was on the phone w xiujuan when my father received a call frm my uncle...
my grandfather was admitted to the hospital n his heart is weakening...
my dad rushed down, hoping it's nothing...
my grandfather (father's side) had been genki... though he had some ailments other elderys have...
then abt 10.30pm...
we recieved a call frm my auntie...
he passed away...
it was too sudden! i mean no warning or anithg...
we rushed down to the hospital...
i was hoping we are mistaken or sth...
but when my dad came out n meet us with red eyes...
n he led us to the mortuary...
i still denied it...
even when i see his body... my auntie holding his hands
n everi1 crying... n my grandmother screaming sth n sobbing uncontrollably...
we waited somewhere else... keeping veri quiet...
it was too sudden... we stood ard in silence...
ah ma cried whenever someone came n comforted her...
she was even relating how my grandfather was eating a bowl of rice n talking in the afternoon... then they took him to the clinic in the evening when he was feeling unwell... n then to the hospital where he passed away suddenly...
n my auntie cried uncontrollably...
it was so sad...
till it's time to go... all the while w tears rolling down
the nxt morning i woke up...
i was hoping it was a nitemare...
it was juz too sudden...
but it wasn't...
wed i spent the whole time there helping n folding the gold papers that were needed on fri...
i was trying hard to study for jap exam on thur morning...
but i can't concentrate...
i was panicking as i intend to study jap on tue n wed...
n i hadnt started on my jap at all...
tue i was sick... stomach cramps... can't study...
then wed at the funeral... too busy to study...
i have 2 papers on thus n one on fri...
there was a lot of ppl there...
my cousin told mi that my grandfather was a veri helpful person...
at everi funeral... he would always be there to comfort ani1... n to help out...
cousin even told mi that grandfather once took up another job to support his brother's family... when his brother was sick...
grandfather was a kind n helpful person... yet he passed away so suddenly...
nevertheless to say,
i went to take the exams wout much preparatn...
i dun even have time to sleep... how to study?
aniway... did badly for the jap paper i tink...
n nm... they change the struture wout infroming us...
they have short ans!!! what's worse...
i studied frm lect 1-12 in sch...
i got so tired that i couldnt even see the words properly...
scared wenya i tink :p...
then all the short ans frm lect 13!!! the oni lect i din study...
i feel like banging the head on the wall...
then i veri stupid...
came out an hr earlier yet i waited for te others b4 realizing that xiujuan is alr home...
aniway i did some studying 4 my chinese history paper then...
when reached home realized my family were all at the funeral till veri late
so i folded the massive amt of clothes...
n was too tired to study...
so chinese paper did not do well at all...
no time or energy to study...
on thurs nite rushed down after the exams...
we prayed n helped out...
then keep the banners n finished all the thgs at ard 1 b4 settling down to rest...
but then we continued to talk n looked after the thgs till 6.45am b4 we decided to sleep...
but i woke up at ard 8 am n could sleep...
so i oni have 1 hr of sleep the day b4...
ok... veri long... i noe... nxt entry continue?

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