Monday, January 29, 2007

so busy...

ok... umm... where to start..
life's so busy... hectic actually...

ok... first the perfume frm the last entry... the one in green...
is now non existent... my youngest sis broke it on sun...
haiz... the cleaning up is so... n the glass is shattered everiwhere...

aniway... first let's start frm sat?
sat is the tea ceremony...
so we all except my sis had to leave and take a taxi at 7am...
so early... i woke up at ard 5+am 4 wed n thur and 6+am on fri n on sat as well...
haiz... so tired.... n today (mon) i could barely open my eyes during lects... n today got 3 lects ....
aniway... the tea ceremony was funny and we played heart attack b4 i left to mit e zhui xings...

ok... then i want to complain!!!
wenya veri funny lor! tell mi... go to the vegetarian stall that i said veri nice the other time...
hello!!! how i know where that is!!! then she said... or go find wen hui at amk lib... india sectn...
so... of course i go lib....
then our superstar arrived.... so big shot lor...
all of us had to go to mac to find him... cause he din noe how to go to the lib....
aniway... we went to shop 4 clothes i nid to wear on sun... the nxt day... i noe... i veri last min...
n xianhao find his shoes.... aniway... xinying got stomachache so wenya accompanied her while the other 2 of us continued...umm... tink she on bad terms w the lunch she had earlier...
then we saw a pair of shoes... i tink is nice but when wenya n xinying came back... they tink that the shoes is childish... reason being that there is a pic by the side of the shoes...
ok... continue searching then we found a $15 dark blue jacket that everi1 decided is nice...
n then we went back to amk hub n xianhao bought his pair of shoes...
then we went to kfc to have dinner n study...
we went to shop ard for a while... poor wenya... got called little girl... cause she was playing w a brush that she shd not have.... i din hear anithg biut xinying n xianhao cant stop laughing...
a veri fun but tiring day... n nxt outing is on the 24 feb.... umm... i still nid to make sure i m free on that day... n no wenya... i dun feel like going to crowded areas....

ok... sun... morning wake up at abt 8+am... then mi n my sis went to sun plaza to buy shoes...
i brought a pair of$10 shoes... we walked everiwhere but still cant find ani pair for my sis... made her wear mine...

n then... i realized that the shirt i have does not match the jacket i bought!!!
so i kept changing but cant find ani...
it was than my mum wants mi to wear the shirt my aunt bought... juz now then i noe the shirt is so x... $39.90.... n i realized the brand is sense... i tink...
n the skirt is also my the other aunt's... so basically i din wear ani of the clothes i bought...
ok pics below... taken when we got back frm expo....

ok... i took 15 pics but oni 4 came out...
i wish i have a nicer camera...
aniway... i like dying when i took tis photos... haha! do i like scary? i tink i look veri werid... but since tis is my oni photo... no choice...
umm... mayb see if my cousins got nicer ones...
we took a lot there...
ok... at the time is ard 11+pm nearly 12...

aniway... we were there to usher ppl...
not that ani1 of us think that it is necessary... at least for ppl who will not obey instructns...
haiz... a few insisted on sitting at another table instaed the one they were assigned to...
i mean... pls lor... everi table is assigned then u came n disrupt the arrangement...
haiz... tiring but we had fun... realli n i hope to see the photos...
every1 look so pretty... mayb except mi... since i lazy to do my hair...
i juz tied as usual... n din use makeup....

well that's all... for my uncle's wedding... so tired...
my eyes could not stay open le... n tmr n wed got jap vocab test... die le lah! wish mi luck!

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