Wednesday, January 17, 2007


i was surfing thru everi1's blog today....
and i realized how i have lost touch with so many ppl....
i noe it might be my fault most of the time....

it's juz sometimes i got realli busy n i juz 4got to keep in touch with so many ppl...
n most of the time... ppl i used to be veri close too... i also lose touch w them...
i can actually name quite a few actually...
i m realli sorrie... realli i m ... i hate to lose a friend....
it's just that once we were no longer in the same sch or class or a long time nvr talk to one another...
i dun dare to approach that person....
n soon we become strangers....
it's like our paths crossed for sometime then straightened out.... n we re strangers again...

i hate it!
but i dunno how to stop tis frm happeneing....
it's been like that thruout my entire life!!!
maybe it's because of my personality?
mayb it is a weakness i realli nid to overcome...

it made mi realli upset... i can name quite a few ppl who i had lost my friendship like that...
n sometimes i tink too many....
yet... sometimes it's juz so hard to keep in touch w everione...
i noe peikiat can do that... she was the one who always keep in touch w everione...
but it's juz so tiring sometimes... n i dunno why...

i have juz read eleanor's blog...
hey... so long since we talked n even longer since we met up...
but i want to tell u tis...

jia you ok... realli... it might be an overused phrase but it is meaningful...
no... the floor will not be too slippery...
just oiled enough for you to glide thru smoothly n not slipped...:p
ok... just there re times in life when thgs re nvr going the way u want... but then that's life....
so we have to accept it no matter wad...
who says fate is always kind?... not mi...
but then we have to make the best out of it....

n like i said it's been a long time since i went n look at other blogs...
quite busy... ok... i did look at zygote's blog... i like to look at ur photos... if they dun have mi inside.... n wenya's blog... n most imptly... the zhui xing blog....
that is to ensure that i din get wrong infor or not up to date infor...
n as a note... so sorry!!! gomen ne!!!
i havent even started on chap 5 of the pursuit of the star.... T_T
i noe i noe... muz start but veri busy... i alr says why at the previous post ok... last 2nd post.... too many thgs happening at the same time... weird year for mi...
n pls wait patiently? agrigato gozaimasu!umm... i wonder if i spell correctly....

aniway... i nid to go to practice my hiragana le....
i promise to try to keep in touch with every1 ok?...
umm... how to...? i dunno?
suggestns? glad to have them!!!
but not too weird ones hor!!!

n looking forward to jap lect tmr... though i tink nid to buy some sweets...
i scared fall asleep in lect....

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