Saturday, September 10, 2011


sometimes thinking too much is nt gd but one can't helps thinking too much....

the journey is long yet one day we might still reach the end as long as you continue...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

China's Got Talent show 2011 12-year-old Mongolian boy singing "Mother i...

Choi Sung Bong

I saw this on facebook...

the vid really touched my heart...

life might be hard for him but he perserved and he strived to improve himself...

to me, he have an instrument in him not only to create wonderful music, but also to bring hope to people.
he taught everyone that however hard it maybe, there is always hope.

to me, everyone has a talent. everyone has a strength. it might not be tangible. one might not know what's his or her own talents.

for me, i feel that that is part of a teacher's job. to nurture and discover the talents of our children. everyone can do something special.

life is hard. some had said it's not like there's war or incurable disease... however, it might be as hard but nevertheless it is still hard. in my opinion, the most important thing about him is that we can learn from him. his perserverance.

to everyone, what is difficult is different. it might be stress. it might be exams. it might be money issues. it might be family problems. it can even be relationships.

but what is important is that we learn. through whatever hardships we have been through, we should learn from mistakes made. and we MUST climb back up and stand on our own two feet. there are always people who might try to trip you. not that it is always intentionally. some might have done something to hurt you out of ignorance. but then be strong...

be strong. be kind. be supportive. you are never the only one suffering but you can never find someone who can really know what you are feeling and going through. at least empathise with others and be interdependant. let your friend depend on you n depend on them. smile and be strong.

some had said that choi sung bong is using his hard life story as a way to gain people's support. but to me, no matter what it is, we can still learn from him. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011


ok a update per week... i heard ppl talking abt pract 2day... someone frm here went to my first pract place... it brought "nightmares" back 4 mi... but it was then i realized tat everithg had passed.... but one thg remained...depression... it was further brought on when we had a talk on wed... about depression... it was then i realized tat during my first pract i might really b gg thru depression... here are the symptoms... this is the website i found about it as well...
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
~i rmb crying everiday n there is juz plain feelings of suffocation at times... like i cant breathe properly but properly because i was crying?

Loss of interest in daily activities.
~i totally lost interest in all my fan fics n stories... T_T

Appetite or weight changes.
~i tink i lose 2 or 3 kg within 2 weeks... cant eat anithg... used to go for hours wout food if not for xm...

Sleep changes. ~
i tink i was gg on wout sleep for days... sleep comes in sitting b4 my com if not at all...

Irritability or restlessness.

~i m used to crying n easily irriated or agaited...

Loss of energy.

~how to have energy wout fod or sleep but i cant seem to force myself to hav both...


~of course w someone saying all those thgs to u all the time... haiz...

Concentration problems.

~cant concentrate at all...

Unexplained aches and pains.

~all kinds of pain... y dun ask mi... from head to stomach to toes... it hurt...

wow n i lasted for more than a month???

guess that's y everyone was so scared i might do sth drastic...
nt to mention the daze n dark thoughts i was having...

then again i m over it... even my cousellor said so...

now though tired but i m happy :)

i will try my best though it means no more procrastinating... haiz...

Saturday, April 09, 2011

space battleship yamato

It might be just a faint ray of hope... a small dubious hope... but with our strength...

let's make it into real hope...

it's a really nice show... for a long time, it's the first movie i really wanted to watch. First seen it on tv... regarding the movie production... i had fallen for the cg n the theme... galaxy...
it's a great movie... i loved the way the battles are being portrayed n the characterisation is great...
i think with the situation in Japan now... this is sth really touching...
the heroism, the selflessness as well as the helplessness...
yes the hope is very small... but with that hope they travelled over thousands hundreds of light years... the number of lives lost... the determination...

where is this hope in our lives today? everyday, it seems like i have given up easily... i wished that life is easy... maybe i shd stay stronger be braver n ventured more... do more n gain more... smile through the sweat n tell myself i have given my best... then i will be better :)

this is a show worth watching...

however, i was a bit unlucky in the sense tat the little boy next to mi kept kicking mi n a bit distracting... i tink he's too young to be in the cinema esp watching such shows tat he had no interest in. n it also distract the parents n oher viewers w the way he behaved n like when he wants 2 go to toilet n stuff.. then werid thg is tat he is not seated in between his parents to minimise his "effects" until the later part of the show... haiz...

aniway it is definitely a show worth watching...

it might not have driven mi to tears like the hawthorn tree but it give me a different kind of touch n the hope it inspires...

With hope we embarked on this mission, n real hope is what we hoped to find to bring back a better future for all those we left behind...

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


haiz realized i fall sick too easily... after the almost "a&e" incident, i lost my voice... my throat n m head hurt... went to see the doc last wed... actually i shd hav gone on tue since mon afternoon i m alr feeling really bad... but aniway... the doc says it's juz a normal cold... n i will recover soon.. so i decided not 2 take mc... until now... i m still coughing n my voice hurts... dun tink the medicine is working but hopefully i can get my voice back soon... cant even sing ani song... :( haiz... pls let mi get my voice back.... if nt i hav to see the doc again... n dun tink i will go back to the same one...

Monday, March 28, 2011


decided to take this again...

ColorQuiz.comYi took the free personality test!

"Believes that ideas and emotions should come toget..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


i can't believe my sense of direction these days...

esp on thur nite... hopefully it's because i m 2 tired...

been gg back to sch the whole week except for tue which i spent dunno doing wad n the day was over...

aniway... was supposed to update my stories but because i found a new paradise of fanfiction n got myself totally addicted to "jiang hu" sense of pot fan fiction..

imagine fuji they all as "xia ke" >_< or "gong zi" or even prince...

aniway (my 2nd one) i was miting my jc friends at somerset... due to curiosity, i decided to walk to scape since i reached there at 5 plus n the miting time is at 7pm... well.. i decided to leave off my markings cause the staff rm was 2 quiet n kinda scared they might lock mi inside wout knowing...

so i walked to scape.. frm ion (shopped at daiso(spent $ again), bought some food.. din eat lunch tat day...)to wisma to taka to cineleisure... rmb more than wrds so i went in n shopped a while then walked to scape n realized tat there's gong cha but i had each a cup in my hands...

n i returned to cineleisure , rmbing tat cineleisure is near somerset...
however i cant find 313 somerset or even the mrt...

called peikiat, walked ard... then in the end... went back to cineleisure walked back to taka, wisma, ion n back to orchard mrt n then took a train to somerset... then spent some time walking ard the whole 313 until i called again n walked ard 4 at least 5 min n realized tat t is the other side...

n finally i realized marche @ 313...

after tat we walked out n i realized it is rite nxt to cineleisure....

AAAHHH! my sense of direction!!!!!

then yesterday...
i nearly changed to circle line when i was gg to cityhall frm expo...
n got lost trying to look for waraku in marina square... actually i nearly walked to suntec b4 rmbing suntec is nt marina square...
n i walked ard the whole marina square b4 finding waraku... haiz...

wad happened to my sense of direction???

Saturday, March 12, 2011

giving up

being told to give up is something very painful.

being told that you are not good enough is upsetting

being told that if you work hard enough you can do it is encouraging

yet not often do we say it.

I just read a fanfic (the deadly feelings of tennis-pot fanfic)where ppl were forced to give up the search for their beloved ones,

the part where one was told he could no longer do something his life was revolved around.

it brought tears to my eyes.

giving up is never easy..

you need courage to give up something...

yet u also need courage to never give up something...

life is never easy but we just have to make the best out of it...

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Sunday, March 06, 2011
















Saturday, March 05, 2011


due to spams...
i have decided to move my blog back here...

the other one will be left for stories...

another thg is that

when i decided to change back to this website...

somehow i lost all the links n stuff... cause it reformatted my blogskin etc...

so this is like a new blog to mi...

will try to update as much as possible... :)