Saturday, April 16, 2011


ok a update per week... i heard ppl talking abt pract 2day... someone frm here went to my first pract place... it brought "nightmares" back 4 mi... but it was then i realized tat everithg had passed.... but one thg remained...depression... it was further brought on when we had a talk on wed... about depression... it was then i realized tat during my first pract i might really b gg thru depression... here are the symptoms... this is the website i found about it as well...
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
~i rmb crying everiday n there is juz plain feelings of suffocation at times... like i cant breathe properly but properly because i was crying?

Loss of interest in daily activities.
~i totally lost interest in all my fan fics n stories... T_T

Appetite or weight changes.
~i tink i lose 2 or 3 kg within 2 weeks... cant eat anithg... used to go for hours wout food if not for xm...

Sleep changes. ~
i tink i was gg on wout sleep for days... sleep comes in sitting b4 my com if not at all...

Irritability or restlessness.

~i m used to crying n easily irriated or agaited...

Loss of energy.

~how to have energy wout fod or sleep but i cant seem to force myself to hav both...


~of course w someone saying all those thgs to u all the time... haiz...

Concentration problems.

~cant concentrate at all...

Unexplained aches and pains.

~all kinds of pain... y dun ask mi... from head to stomach to toes... it hurt...

wow n i lasted for more than a month???

guess that's y everyone was so scared i might do sth drastic...
nt to mention the daze n dark thoughts i was having...

then again i m over it... even my cousellor said so...

now though tired but i m happy :)

i will try my best though it means no more procrastinating... haiz...

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