Saturday, April 09, 2011

space battleship yamato

It might be just a faint ray of hope... a small dubious hope... but with our strength...

let's make it into real hope...

it's a really nice show... for a long time, it's the first movie i really wanted to watch. First seen it on tv... regarding the movie production... i had fallen for the cg n the theme... galaxy...
it's a great movie... i loved the way the battles are being portrayed n the characterisation is great...
i think with the situation in Japan now... this is sth really touching...
the heroism, the selflessness as well as the helplessness...
yes the hope is very small... but with that hope they travelled over thousands hundreds of light years... the number of lives lost... the determination...

where is this hope in our lives today? everyday, it seems like i have given up easily... i wished that life is easy... maybe i shd stay stronger be braver n ventured more... do more n gain more... smile through the sweat n tell myself i have given my best... then i will be better :)

this is a show worth watching...

however, i was a bit unlucky in the sense tat the little boy next to mi kept kicking mi n a bit distracting... i tink he's too young to be in the cinema esp watching such shows tat he had no interest in. n it also distract the parents n oher viewers w the way he behaved n like when he wants 2 go to toilet n stuff.. then werid thg is tat he is not seated in between his parents to minimise his "effects" until the later part of the show... haiz...

aniway it is definitely a show worth watching...

it might not have driven mi to tears like the hawthorn tree but it give me a different kind of touch n the hope it inspires...

With hope we embarked on this mission, n real hope is what we hoped to find to bring back a better future for all those we left behind...

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