Sunday, March 15, 2009

some catching up...


realli lagging posts...

here's the card made for yiwen...
cause i promised to show peikiat on my blog...
then again... dunno if she got read the blog...
missed her... now cant even send sms haha...

aniway... i messed up my rm again...
the cover...
a copy of peikiat's msg i write for her...

n after recess week went back to sch... to be greeted with scary pipes..?
tehre's some construction gg on... n teh pipes were like that wout covers n ppl walking below n sitting down there... eating??? i tink they din look up... the horror! when i walked past n a spider dropped down?...

then there's my cousins... veri long time ago le... but they visited or rather my uncle n aunt brought them here cause they are only one mth old n they are twins!!! n i was so stupid forget to take pics... aniway other than the two of them still got their one yr old brother... kawaii desu ne!

n another impt thg to complain is my midterm... the term paper was equally difficult to write as well...

the term test was one unforgettable one... 1st time i got to rush thru everythg!
there's 8 big qns w ard 4-5 small qns in each of them n the time given was 50 min... plus it's open-bk... so scary... i was more looking at the watch than my paper... cause too scared not enouf time...
luckily i oni have 1 or 2 blanks...
imagine my shock when i looked to my left the girl left one of 2 pgs blank! there's like 1/2 the paper? by the way i was sitting at the last row so can see everyone...

well moving on~

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