Tuesday, March 03, 2009

realli bad day...


the usual... i was almost late for lect...
cause wait for the bus for a long time... used to it... shd have left the hse earlier....

aniway... rushed thru readings... n had stomach cramps... feeling veri bad....

nvr mind.. so tired the whole day today... maybe cause it's 1st day... luckily... today the lecturer did not ask a single qns... n i almost went to dreamland... cause not feeling well...

i rushed to the toilet then spent few min inside cause it hurt a lot...
feeling so bad... walked to bus stop... waited for almost 15 min then 96 came but cant get in cause too crowded... waited for the next one cause i felt so bad... then another 20min n NO 96 in sight...

got irritated... saw the 2nd 95 n decided to just take 95 since it's still ok...

too bad i still cant get a seat...
nvr mind... juz have to bear w it...

then guess wad?!!!!!!
the bus got jammed in sch!!!
it took the bus almost half an hour to get frm arts to sci...
cause too many cars n then by the time it got to the mrt it's almost 7pm!!!
i noe i was waiting at the busstop at 5.52pm...

i dun understand y so many ppl...
the rest of the time i took nvr so long... though i din take on tue @6pm b4...
but i took 95 on wed at 6pm as well...
i took 95 to sch on every fri @ard 6.15pm as well...
sometimes changed bus inside sch...
but nvr so long...

n it seemed longer since i was having cramps...

haiz... i cant stop ranting!!!

got a midterm which i din even study at all...
it 's on thur n thur nid to finish 2 bks... i havent started as well...
then got tut tmr... havent read as well...
got project miting tmr... havent prepared as well...

where had all my time gone to?
my recess week?!!!

i m do dead..................

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