Sunday, March 15, 2009

it fair 09

ok... got 2 papers to hand in on fri plus a presentation... so i slept for 5 hrs on tue, then 4 hrs on thur and oni 3 hrs on thur... so tired but... still have to finish...
special thxs to kelly for helping mi hand in on fri n yiwen n xinying who helped mi on my it paper... i got no idea wad services a hair dressing salon have...

aniway... went to it fair to get a laptop on fri...
my sis n i went at ard 11.30 am n it's a bit crowded but still ok...
we went to each n every vendors w laptops to c which is the 1 i like...
b4 that i alr surf online...

n then at ard 2pm we went for lunch.... @ marina square
at ryoichi sushi ... it's not bad!
luch set is @ $6.60 exclusive 7% gst n 10% service charge... so ard $8 per person... but it's not bad... main course+salad+miso soup+dessert(ice-cream small one but better than nothing ^_^)
we continue to shop at marina square realize i din have anithg to wear for grad dinner... so...
n i bought a $30 dress... ok... dun realli look the price but the texture is realli nice! that's the reason for the high price... my sis bought it for mi as a bday gift :p
then we went to suntec carefour n harvey norman as well as other it shops nearby to check teh prices if it's realli worth it as we narrow down to abt 3 or 4 models then to oni 2 models lenovo n acer...n at ard 7pm went back to it fair to get the laptop...
n it's so crowded...

however, i muz say the service there is not gd...
i came home to try a long time n finally mangaed to get it @ ard 2am...
so slept till 10am on sat...
but then when i started to work on it again on sat...

n realized no chinese inside!!!!!!!!

the horror bought it for sch but no chinese!!!!

aniway... the system kept prompting for a xp cd...
but tis laptop dun have ani drives not even a cd-rom...

so i had no chocie but to carry it back to it fiar to get it fixed...
since none of the numbers written there have ani response... just because it's not working hr... they have five-day week!!!

my dad came home n went w mi back again...
we spent almost 45 min on transport then anotehr 1/2 hr to get up n 15min to get to the store
however... the salesgirl took less than 5 min n it's done simply because she changed sth the d drive to sth i cant see i ask her so says nxt time no nid for the use of it animore...

if u tell mi earlier then i dun have to come all teh way here!!!

this is singapore n it's bilingual society n u din install the chinese inside...
n i din mean the add to keyboard chinese but the chinese frm xp windows... so stupid lor!!!
n the attiude of the girl was like so ... bad or rather arrogant lor...

my dad asks if got cd-rom or sth n she says for the last 30yrs we dun use alr it's juz a key to get recovery...
hello! then how come we got it last yr at it fair n the same brand??? ok... if we noe it then we no nid for pro ppl to intro n tell us more abt the laptops rite?
hello!!! we dunno so we ask u, wad's w the attitude...

n we asks if there's anithg accompanying this since we got some freebies last yr when we bought the otehr laptop n she's like we dun have anithg it's alr veri cheap alr... n if u spend more than got more lah...

ok... nvr mind i ask abt the warranty n the girl was like juz use the receipt lah or call the number or go the website i tell u now u also dun rmb one lah... hello??? i alr check the website but cant find so ask now n that's the ans? she says u have to check carefully or call the number...

ok...the number i told her i called but no response cause it's not mon to fri... so i asked if tehre's ani otehr alternatives if i nid it to be repaired...
n she says either u wait till mon if not too bad lor...

that girl was like so arrogant n the service is so bad... wad kind of explanation is that? n the attiude used is like how can u dunno such thgs... if i noe i wont be a chi major but rather somethg associated to it... wad's teh use of u being tehre to ans enquires when u feel like ppl shd all noe... n one booth is like have 20 ppl... if everione noe abt such thgs do they nid to hire 20 saleppl???

cant believe the attituide n i m alr irritated that i have to travel so far to get it fixed n my dad had to come home n out again...
n then the girl juz turned ard n ignored us le...

aniway i dun tink i shd blame the bad services on my laptop so i like my laptop veri much :p
n in the meantime my desk is like that... cause my parents reshift the whole place to fit the new laptop...

abt the laptop nxt entry...

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